Thursday, May 31, 2012

Doggy Update

Cocotte came back home last night after a few days at the vet's on IV with strong medications and is now on antibiotics so she doesn't get an infected mouth after having all of her teeth pulled out - except one!  Poor little girl, that and her spay with shots, it was quite the ordeal.  We had Joey last month that went throught the same surgeries and although he was sad looking for a few days - he is fully healed and homed now!  She is living with me and Inka for a few weeks while recovering, making sure she eats plenty to fatten up.

Inka is doing so well, she sometimes still gets cold and a bit feverish but otherwise is a very happy little girl, sleeping with me every night - she is such a good dog!  Another week of antibiotics, follow-up at the vet's and hopefully we will be able to get that hernia repaired and her spayed!  She is gaining very well, of course she is eating hot dogs, baloney, the chicken strips with bbq sauce are her favorites and she gets over 15 of those daily and her canned puppy food.

Baltazor will be posted on the website, hopefully tonight if I have time, he has had his cherry eye surgery and neuter.  For an excited puppy and goofy dog, he was very quiet last night on our way home!  Big buy like that and such a big suck...  He has a few different kinds of drops for his eyes in order to heal and is booked on Monday at the vet's for a follow up to his surgery.

Twiggy had to be re-stitched - idiot dog...  Keeps scratching with her hind legs, not sure how she manages to contort her body in such a way to be able to scratch that way - but she does so we are watching her full-time to ensure she doesn't bust her stitches again!  Hopefully she learnt her lesson and won't want to go back to the vet's a 3rd time!  Usually when dogs wake up from surgery, they are quiet and groggy - her???  She jumped right off the table and ran to the front door - such a big goof but we love her.  She ate her full can yesterday and this morning, we are still trying to fatten her up, in hopes that the spay will help but she needs to be kept quiet to recover and also gain a few pounds!

If you can help with Science Diet canned puppy or dog food - that would be great!  We have quite a few dogs on it right now to try to fatten them up.  For those that have had major dental work such as Cocotte - we would rather have Ceasar's for them as it is mushier!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cocotte & others

Well, Cocotte was dropped off at the vet’s last night, placed on IV, drawn blood for blood work and given antibiotics through IV. She went through her surgeries today, all her teeth were removed except one and she also had her spay done while under! We left her at the vet’s for another night’s stay on IV and stronger antibiotics through IV but are to take her home tomorrow. We need financial help for this little girl also, her bill is extremely high!

Inka is doing very well, she is still not strong enough to undergo her spay and hernia removal with shots but overall she is a happy girl and just the most adorable little girl. Although, she really doesn’t want to leave my side unless I crate her, then she is good in her crate but otherwise will wait at the bathroom door or won’t go out to do her business unless I walk out of the house with her. You can tell she was never given that much attention and is now worried I will dissapear on her!  Another we need financial help for especially since we have more things to get done for her!

Baltazore is at the vet’s and will undergo his cherry eye surgery tomorrow incuding his neuter and shots and Twiggy is back at the vet’s for having ripped her stitches open so she is going back under to get stitched back up. Guess she needs a cone for longer this time around! Although, not sure what we’ll do with her hind legs, may have to give her a smalle crate as she got her stitches by scratching her belly with her hind legs – she is quite flexible that one!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Update at NARC

Inka is now doing better, eating very well - everything but the kitchen sink although she needs it to fatten up.  She loves Hot Dogs and Balony which is awsome as we put her pills in a peice of hot dog so it's very simple!  She had her first day without fever on Sunday and so far so good - still has a normal temperature.  She is gaining, running outside for short periord at a time (wouldn't want her to over do it) and is such a sweet girl, she follows me everywhere!  She slept in my bed for the first time last night, finally her vulva is no longer leaking pink gewy stuff so she is finally able to be a normal house dog!

Cocotte:  She was dropped off at the vets as an emergency tonight.  She is a new dog we've just received with the blackest teeth I have ever seen, some loose and all need pulling!  Wasn't eating much, drinkin OK but certainly needs all of her teeth removed.  We brought her at the vet's tonight and he is keeping her for the week on IV fluids with strong antibiotics through IV, will do blook work such as we did with Inka to see if her liver and all is working fine and then proceed with the removal of all her teeth, her spay and shots.  Another girl we need financial help with ASAP!

We also have Baltazore that is going in for surgery for cherry eye, his neuter and shots - we are dropping him off tomorrow. 

Disney is another that has been on antibiotics for a week who is returning to the vet's for a follow up this week!

If you can help with any of our dogs, please sponsor them and either send your donations to NARC at 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9 or go directly to our veterinarian, Blackburn Animal Hospital to put money towards this week's invoice!

All in all, in the last few weeks, we've been bringing 11 dogs weekly at the vet's.  Mostly new dogs that have arrived with issues such as Inka & Cocotte with her bad teeth but always need financial help to ensure they are properly taken care of and of course it's always immediate care needed here at NARC!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Doggy Walkathon - October 13th - Reserve NOW!

Promote your company at our Doggy Walkathon on October 13th.  Call to reserve a spot and set up a display table or tent! Great big lot with 250 feet frontage space right on Navan Road between 10th Line Road and Trim Road. Tons of cars driving by, great publicity so get your roadside spot today!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Coming SOON!

We are working on our new website with integrated blog, more information and easier read...  We are hoping to be able to give you the link so you can have a sneak peak, I know you are curious!!  Right now it is a work in progress and will be changing quite a bit in the next month until it is ready and active!  Alhtough the sneak peak coming soon is so that we have your insights and suggestions!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inka is getting better - need more funds to help her further

Even after years of rescuing, spending thousands of dollars on neglected dogs, I still don't get how someone could not feed their dog!?  Inka came in pregnant, although we were told she was a male un-altered... everyone makes mistakes but this one is quite big considering she was underweight during pregnancy and actually due in a few days!!  Not that they could have done much to help with the malnutrition part being that she did give birth a few days after we picked her up but...  We had to rush her to the emergency with her puppies which we were feeding every few hours by bottle as they were born mal-nourished, skinny, cold (yes, they were litterally cold to the touch!) and way too underweight to start up their new life!  Inka was completely matted and when we groomed her the day she arrived, we found she had quite a few bloody patches underneath all those matts.  She needed medical attention for her fever, bloody patch, whole in hind leg, dehydration, mal-nutrition and the list goes on!  She was placed on IV for a few days with strong medications through IV.  She was such a strong little girl, I strongly believe and know by experience with the many sicklings we receive that when they have someone to love them, they will fight for their lives!  As long as they have someone by their sides, kissing, speaking sweet words, massaging, etc...  I spent a few days checking her IV drip, giving her antibiotics that were prescribed by our vet, putting medicated cream on her bloody patches and force feeding her!  Inka is now doing better, she has not pulled through completely yet but we have faith that she will...  She is going for short walks at the farm without other pets around to get her too excited, living in my home until she has gained the much deserved weight and her fever completely goes.  She also had the flu, infection in her vulva and needed 5 stitches on her hind leg.  All in all, she is worth all the time, effort, money placed into her, she is such a loving little girl who actually tells her story to family and friends when she meets them!  Yet, this is not all, we also need to raise funds to get her spayed, get her shots updated when the time is right - hopefully in a months time when she is fully recovered from all the drama and pain she has been put through.  I'm not only talking about physical pain but mental pain too by loosing all of her puppies at once and crying trying to find them.  Some of you out there may think dogs don't have feelings but I can prove you otherwise, they do cry such as humans and do feel such as we do... You know, if you can't care for your pet, why are you getting one in the first place?  She can't speak for herself so I am her voice today, she suffered terribly for no reason other than neglect and it just repulses me to know there are people out there that actually don't care and are placing dogs such as her, perfect little creatures who want to please and adore you - through all of this.  Lets all send our little Inka our best wishes so that she becomes a strong and healthy dog and then that she finds the perfect home who will spoil her rotten so that she never sees or feels pain again!  I love you Inka and I will stand by your side through all of this!    

Thursday, May 17, 2012

We are at Bark & Fitz this weekend

Come meet us at Bark & Fitz, we were just invited to set up a kiosk and bring dogs!  Will be sending volunteers between 10-5pm on Sunday and 9am to 6pm on Saturday, trying to get volunteers to attend tomorrow between 9am - 8pm.

Inka has had her puppies

Our beautiful little Inka has been through her rough times and has had 5 puppies.  It was tough for her, she gave birth to her first puppy at around 5pm on Tuesday and the last one came mid day Wednesday - poor thing!  Last night, she was exhausted and wouldn't even come with me for a quick walk.  I had to bring the food and water bowl to her in order for her to eat and drink but it's understandable - she must be quite exhausted!  When we got Inka on Saturday afternoon, she was completely matted so we started giving her a good shave so she would be comfortable once giving birth - we knew the pups were coming within a few days time.  We didn't want to stress her too much being a new environment AGAIN, but didn't want to leave her like that...  She still needs a better groom but the worst is done, enough to make her comfortable while giving birth to her little ones.  In approx another week, once she has gained her strength and her pups are bigger, we will give her a nice bath and finish her groom.  For now, she is resting in the quietness of a foster home with her new babes!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Information at the farm

Thank you to everyone who came to Boston Pizza last night in support to our cause - it is greatly appreciated.  I was there having diner with my daughter, friend and volunteer and saw quite a few invoices in our box, can't wait to see how much we have raised!

We have a pregnant female Shih-Tzu due any day now, we've named her Inka and she is resting in my home for the duration of her term and till the puppies are big enough!

Baby is doing very well with her 6 puppies, they are now a little over a week and all too cute!  She too is in a foster home untill her pups are big enough...  We are taking in applications for the puppies if you are interested, there are 4 females and 2 males.  NO, we don't know who the father is and NO, we don't know what breed he is either - she was found as a stray so YES they are surely mixed breed puppies but then again so is baby and others at NARC!  Fill the adoption questionnaire from our website under downloads and e-mail it in stipulating you want one of baby's puppies!  At 8 weeks old, we will meet everyone on the same day, at the same time and all 6 pups will be homed that day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Wow- What a Clean-up!

A Huge Thank you to everyone who came today from Keller Williams Ottawa Realty to help with our yearly clean-up and major project in turning one of our trailers into a NARC store and of course for giving some loving to our pooches. Wow, what an amazing group, 30 brokers showed up ready to work and take on the challenging duties. Thank you from all of us at NARC for taking on this project and helping at the farm, it is greatly appreciated!

Pictures are already posted on our new website, WHAT?  Yep, new NARC website coming up shortly!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Boston Pizza Orleans is on Monday

Don't forget to come join us for diner on Monday, May 14th between 5-9pm and also put your invoice in the drop off box at the reception desk so NARC can get the 10% donation from Boston Pizza!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby has had her puppies

She gave birth to 6 beautiful puppies last night, starting around 11pm and finishing this morning at 5:30pm.  I'm sure she kept my foster mom up and worried all night but surely it was worth every minute!  We will be posting Baby on the website soon, she came in approx 3 weeks ago, already pregnant so we are now keeping her until her pups reach 8 weeks of age.  They will be homed at 8 weeks and she will be spayed, etc.. then homed.  Baby is a terrier, very petite little girl and so adorable.  Not sure what her babes are mixed of, will be hopefully able to tell in a few weeks.  Congrats Baby on your new little family!