Friday, July 16, 2010

How many more doggies can fit in that Window?

Yep, you've guessed it.... It just keeps getting busier by the minute. Again a call out for foster homes, if you have a friend, family member, neighbour or anyone looking to foster one of our small or large pooches, let us know. We picked up another 2 at the pound last night, golden lab's x, are picking up another few tonight (won't tell you how many as some volunteers may just kill me!) and another few coming in tomorrow morning! Just a few here and there - no biggie Ha! Ha!

Those from tonight are going to be in quaranteen, same as the 2 we picked up last night due to "parvo" in hopes that they are all fine after their shots and quaranteen!

The ones arriving tomorrow will have been seen by a vet so we can introduce them to the pact which makes it quite simple! 2 young Chihuahuas, can't wait to meet them as we surely enjoy our Chihuahuas! If only people understood the breed and not say "my neighbour had one and it was very yappy or nippy!" They are soooo not that once well trained and are just so well behaved and lovable! Think what you will - we surely don't mind a full house of Chihuahua's, have 3 already and another few arriving and certainly would take on more! They are the easiest to train and love, small which make them take no space at all and way too cute for words!

OK enough blah blah, have to run to pick up those new doggies! Talk soon.

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