Monday, December 20, 2010

Closing for the holidays!

As every year, NARC closes for x-mas and we are now officially closed for the holidays. You can certainly contact us to visit pets next week but unfortunately this week we aren't taking visits and aren't doing placements this early before x-mas. Have a merry christmas everyone, thank you to all the volunteers that have helped throughout the year and those coming during the x-mas holidays to lend a hand! It has been a very busy year and we are looking forward to a busier 2011.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

36 dogs looking for homes...

And more needing to come in - yep that's right - more doggies are on death row and need a place to call home until they find their permanent home! We're waiting to see how many dogs we will be receiving probably tomorrow or this weekend, unless other rescues have come forward for them - there are quite a few at the pound needing to be pulled out. It has been quite a busy week, was at the vet's every evening from Sunday night till tomorrow - quite the running around for spays/neuters, dental cleaning, shots, etc... Same for next week, booked solid at the vet's to spay/neuter the new arrivals so they can be ready for adoption.

We'll have to work hard to finish the other trailer (our new quaranteen & clinic) this weekend so that it is up and running hopefully by Monday to quaranteen the new arrivals from the pound. A lot of work ahead for our volunteers! New dogs need bathing, Trina needs a medicated bath for possibly scabies - tests are to be done on Monday so we can know if it's just allergies or something worst! But, we've already taken our precautions and gave her a few medicated baths just in case it is scabies or ringworm and of course she is separate from the others.

The new Cockers, Cocka-Poo and Schnauzers are settling nicely, the Cockers won't need us for much longer as they are very sweet and have already been house trained - quite smart little girls. One of the Shnauzers will also be available soon but the other is still shy so we may keep her a while longer unless someone wants to work with her! Rose and Bronco are ready for loving homes - pictures of them all will be posted this weekend.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

6 doggies have joined NARC again!

Quite the busy year and it just seems to get busier! That pound certainly gets many dogs weekly that need all of us rescues out there saving their lives! 3 beautiful female Cocker Spaniels, one tan & white the other two are black and white. One little black cocka-poo, very sweet, small and cute! Two beautiful Schnauzers, one is quite timid but she will come around with our loving!

They have arrived earlier this time, 7pm last night which gave me time to play with them and assess their behavior which is great. The Cockers and Cocka-Poo just want to please and seem to be craving attention, tails wagging and so happy to have the attention. The Schnauzers are a bit timid but will come around by the end of the week.

We're already bringing the Cocka-Poo to the vet's tonight for his neuter, he is young and adorable so can go to his new home soon! We have posted them on the website except we don't have pictures yet but will try to get that done this weekend.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What a weekend! Did you know about Kennel Cough?

Another successful weekend at the farm, our other trailer is soon becoming our NARC clinic and quaranteen which is a must for new arrivals. We've taken 7 dogs from the SPCA a few weeks ago that came in with Kennel Cough so having a quaranteen building outside of our NARC regular living quarters will ensure our health dogs don't catch diseases. Of course, being that we're still in renovations and had to bring the 7 new doggies into the NARC home, some of our regular pooches have caught the cough but are healthy enough that it won't become infectious.

Kennel Cough, a simple common cold, nothing works to cure Kennel Cough and it will go away on it's own, last up to 10 days. If the cough persists or your dog has green nazal discharge then that means it is Kennel Cough gone wrong (infectious) go to the vet and get an antibiotic to help cure the infection. We give our dogs Oil of Oregano in their water every 2nd day as a regular routine so most of our regulars won't even catch it but for the newly arrivals that don't have the Oil in their system for a month or so - they will certainly end up with a very mild Kennel Cough.

NARC very rarely has Kennel Cough in the house but it is airborne so once it comes in from another shelter, it can infect our other dogs. Just wanted to inform you in case you are visiting us or adopting one of our pooches that they may come with the cough for another week's time!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Things still needed and update

We'd like to thank those of you who have brought us tiles to soon tile the mobile home living room but we would need quite a few more... If you have old tiles sitting in your garage or shed, please think of us and drop them off at any time, we have our donation drop off box right besides the gate for such items. Doesn't matter size or colour - doggies sure won't mind but we sure will as it will be easier to clean lol. This place is starting to look amazing, I'll have to take pictures soon to show you the changes. Outside log wood siding is almost done and it looks adorable, inside fencing is finished and just great! Makes it bigger for the doggies and they seem happier now that they can see everyone coming and going. We have the other part of the living room opened for business, although the trap door is not done yet so that the pooches can go in and out as they please, it's great to have all of our t-cup or very small doggies separated from the others. They are also all paper/pad trained which makes it way easier to clean!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

They're here!

Our poor driver must be exhausted after picking up the rescues south of Montreal, driving to another rescue to drop a dog off then to Navan to drop off our rescues and that's not it, he also has to drive back home to Montreal... He arrived here at 11pm after being in the car since 5pm, left NARC at midnight to then have his few hours drive back home. We can't thank you enough Stephane for doing this - you are the best!

New arrivals: 2 tiny little pomeranians, very sweet but need some grooming and a good bath. One little Chihuahua who is really shy and afraid right now but we're sure he'll come around soon. And last but not least a black poodle, very sweet although a bit shy right now which is to be expected after a few hours in a car then a new home here at NARC. They will all get a good bath and groom this weekend then we'll post pictures for you to see these beautiful little guys!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New doggies arriving tomorrow and Did you know?

34 dogs at NARC looking for homes and another 4-7 arriving tomorrow depending on who needs us at the pound when we get there! So far we know there are 2 pomeranians, 1 chihuahua and possibly another 3-4 small doggies desperately in need of saving or it's euthanization for them!

If you are looking for a pet, now is the time to call us and book yourselves in for an appointment as we do close for the christmas holidays. Well, we are opened for visits and donations but none of our dogs leave NARC during x-mas - it's been our rule since we've opened over 3 years ago. It is very stressful for dogs to adapt to their new homes, let alone in a new home with 20 guests for diner on x-mas day!!! And we don't believe in placing x-mas present puppies or dogs as most end up returned to shelters or found on the streets! Please consider this before attempting to buy a dog for your loved ones and wait until the holidays are over or a few weeks prior so they adjust. This IS the time of year that dogs may get scared and snap at someone for being cornered or something - not their fault at all as they weren't ready for all the comotion! Please think twice before getting a x-mas pet! Don't get me wrong, for me it would be the perfect x-mas gift but... I would ensure that there are no x-mas parties not to dramatize my new doggy!

Friday, November 26, 2010

New doggies have arrived

Have a look at our website this weekend, we have 5 gorgeous Collie x puppies ready for adoption, we will take pictures this weekend and post them. Also new, 2 miniature Pinchers, 2 pugs, 1 puggle and 3 Shih-Tzu's - all soon ready for adoption. They need to get spayed/neutered, shots, etc... before we can find them loving homes but we will get that done next week so they can be placed quickly. Very cute and adorable - see pictures this weekend of all these lovely new NARC babies!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Did you know?

We were told that the home temperature for larger breed dogs should be 50 degrees and 60 degrees for smaller breeds - this is a good way of saving money on your gaz/oil or hydro bill this winter while you are away at work!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Many things accomplished this weekend!

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, we have finished the inside fence, cleaned all the dog runs before winter, filled all the wholes the doggies had made this summer - digging seems like a lot of fun! It took quite a lot of sand to fill all of those wholes... Always wondered where it all goes, probably on the dogs themselves which is why we always have to bathe them almost every week... The 2 new matted Shih-Tzu's had their much needed grooms and tons of Tender, Loving, Care from our volunteers. They were spoiled with treats and a volunteer even bought them their first shirt - they are very cute now and drastically shrunk in size! We also started on the outside siding, took off part of the plastic siding on the mobile home and are starting to install the logs so it looks exactly like my log home, it will be really wonderful and already looks quite amazing - this should be done hopefully by the end of the week! Of course, the compressor decided to stop working so I guess I have to get out there tomorrow and buy another one so we can finish the log siding and of course I still need it to finish the inside of my house! If this weather could persist, we would be able to finish the log siding on this house and the food trailer and maybe even build our new deck with a railing for the mobile home!! Wouln't that be great!

I am sure all the volunteers are as exhausted as I am, we will all sleep like babies from working outside in this cold weather! The doggies are surely quiet after a day of running, barking at the volunteers, walks on the property and just being their wonderful silly selves!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New doggies have arrived

Two really nice and friendly black labrador puppies, approx 4 months old and 2 said to be Shih-Tzu's but will be able to tell more once they are properly groomed, look like Maltese to me... They are very matted and not very good looking yet... nothing that a good groom and bath won't solve for them this weekend and show off that cute little doggy under all of that matted hair.

Our volunteers will have their hands full with grooming and bathing this weekend with more doggies arriving on Saturday - keep looking at our blog or facebook for updates, pictures and information. Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Join me on Facebook

I've posted a video of the NARC pooches on my facebook. Although I was trying to get them in their playing mode, the moment I pressed "play" they became all quiet... it's like they knew I was up to no good Ha! Ha! Find me, Michelle Mayer (Ottawa) and see updates on Facebook and future videos of our babies running around and being silly! I've tried uploading them on this blog but haven't figured it out yet so until then, I'll be posting them on Facebook for everyone to see! I am the girl in a picture with a Dolphin so you can't really miss me! Enjoy the video, updates and future videos of our pooches!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Did you know?

That puppies are like infants and you can't just give them different treats as you can make your puppy very ill or kill them? As infants, they need to be introduced to their foods slowly. We introduce something new to our infants every month or week to see if they have any allergic reactions, why aren't we doing this with our puppy? Feeding different types of treats or house food to your puppy will give him diharea and if it persists, he will dehydrate and can die or end up costing you over a thousand dollars in vet care, IV fluids, etc... Puppies dehydrate quickly so it's important to keep them on the food they have started to eat and introduce slowly the new food you want them to have. Mix 3/4's of their old food with 1/4 of the new food and reduce the old food daily and gradually until you are only feeding them the new food of choice. Then, keep the old food as treats, his system is already used to this food so use it for training. Once your puppy is 4-6 months old, his stomach will be stronger and you can start him on certain treats, again by introduction, a bit at a time so he gets adapted to the new treats/food.

We've placed many puppies this summer and have educated many of our clients on this, it is important for the health of your pup so please keep in mind that they are babies and treat them as such. Enjoy your new pet, spoil them rotten with love!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Love the new indoor fence!

Yep, the temporary fix is now fully done, we have a fence in the house separating the living room in two... Perfect and now everyone can see all the dogs when they come in which is really great for them and for all of us here. Still not fully done the renovations but can't wait till next weekend when we all get together again and finish it all off. Thanks to all the volunteers for a hard working weekend here at NARC, some had to wash the newly arrived stinky puppies, others finish the inside fence, clean crates, wash floors, bathe our regular dogs, filling, etc... All in all, another very productive week. Next Saturday, hoping it is still nice outside, we are planning on siding the mobile home with the logs that match my new soon to be home so this place will look amazing! Bit by bit, we're going to get there! If there are any handy men out there wanting to volunteer, we have a deck to build connecting both the mobile home and the food trailer - would be nice if we could also get that done before winter hits! Have the wood and all that is needed except for the hands as all of our current volunteers are so very busy! Thanks to my wonderful father for all the equipment needed in order to be able to finish our indoor and outdoor fencing needs - Navan Fence you are the best!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New puppies have arrived!

We picked up 3 puppies last night at the pound, were they ever stinky but one of our volunteers gave them a double shampoo bath today so they are all clean and smelling fresh. Now for their quaranteen to see if there is any Parvo, if not, they will be ready for adoption very shortly! Not sure of their mix, maybe Collie x ?? Will post pictures once they have had their DHPP.

Renovations in the mobile home are coming along, hopefully we will be able to finish the living room tomorrow then when I move out we'll be attacking the back rooms and grooming area! Lots to do, not enough hours in a day to get them all done quickly but as they say - Rome wasn't built in a day...

Anyone wanting to volunteer some time in installing siding on this mobile home of ours? I have the log siding and air gun, just don't have the time! Also, if there is a roofer out there willing to donate time and equipment to fix the roof - that would be amazing! Otherwise, we will tarp it again for this winter in hopes to have money next year to buy shingles so we can get that roof done once and for all. For companies out there willing to do this as a donation, we can write you a charitable receipt for income tax purposes for any work done for NARC!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Productive Weekend - Things needed to continue

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, we were able to start renovating the mobile home and it already looks bigger and better! The doggies have more room, you can now see them all when you come in and of course they can see everyone visiting!! Still a work in progress but it's getting there slowly but surely.

We need tiles, ceramic tiles of any colour - if you have a few spares from your kitchen or bathroom renovations - I'm sure the dogs won't mind if they have to walk on 10 different colored tiles but it surely will make it easier to clean when it rains, etc... Drop them off in our Donation Drop Off box, 4388 Navan Road between 10th Line and Trim Road. Doesn't matter which size, small to large as we will cut them to fit if needed.

And we are still in need of a toner for our photocopier (Minolta MT Toner 501A). Thank you in advance for your help and donations, we couldn't do all of this without you! NARC is always looking into making it a better living for our pooches, your help is greatly appreciated and helps us achieve our goals.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Few things we need to be fully operational

Yes, I know it's been a while and yes we are kind of fully operational after the fire but... still a few items missing to be 100% up to speed. We desperately need a fax machine or Winfax to install on NARC's computer so we can get faxes sent/received on-line. Winfax would certainly be best but we will certainly accept your older fax machine.

Someone donated this beautiful expensive photocopier shortly after the fire, GREAT stuff and we just love it but are now soon lacking ink so cartridges (Minolta MT Toner 501A) now needed and of course paper so we can make copies of our veterinary records for our adoptive families.

Anyone have an old cordless phone lying around? Certainly something we should have to be able to answer calls when we are outside or in another area of the house as I keep almost killing myself trying to run for the phone nightly!

Good printer needed, we have one but it SUCKS, it keeps jamming even if I bought it new - maybe an older model would be better. Color would be also great for our client letters but right now a working printer - any printer is certainly appreciated.

NARC uses all of their funds on the dogs so we don't want to start purchasing equipment when the money is needed on operations - please help us with these items which any business needs to run successfully! Thank you in advance for all of you out there sending nice e-mails, good wishes and donations, without YOU we wouldn't be where we are right now!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Puppies are leaving us!

5 puppies from the Collie x Border Collie litter have found homes last weekend... Although their families had to wait a week before picking them up as they weren't ready yet. They are now, shots have been done, annual vet check, dewormed twice, eating and drinking well, have gained some weight and will certainly gain more as growing babies do! 1 client came to pick up their baby tonight, 2 others are leaving for their homes tomorrow and the other 3 families are coming on Saturday.

8 pups are now left for adoption although a few families are visiting them this weekend! Book your time to see them before it's too late!

We also have the Husky x puppy still looking for his home and a new Cocka-Lab - unsure of mix but he is very cute, curly hair on his ears, sits when asked and approx 4-5 months old. We will post pictures of him soon.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Volunteer driver from Ottawa to Toronto

If anyone can drive a female labrador from Ottawa to Toronto either Friday or Saturday please contact us - this is an urgent request for the Ottawa Humane Society. E-mail me at and I'll put you in touch with the Ottawa Humane Society representative ASAP. Pick up will be at the Ottawa Humane Society on Charlemagne Drive in Ottawa and not sure of drop off location but they will certainly fill you in once you are ready to go. Thank you so much for your support in our rescue industry - everyone needs a hand and we are all equally sharing duties! We are really hoping they can find someone fast so please find it in your heart to give us or OHS a call - ask for Heather at the OHS or Michelle here at NARC!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Update at the farm!

Yep, I am the only one in the world who gets all this loving every day - it's like being a millionnaire!!!! I get to play with puppies, run, sing and act like a child while playing tug of war till I am so hot I need a shower! The best exercise in the world if you ask me! Have the puppies say "wha wha" when I play with them, get my arm chewed off inside with over 30 doggies trying to eat me up nicely - this is certainly the best! It's 8pm, I've exhausted all of them by being silly - of course I am always silly - you should all know that by now Hee! Hee!

We chatted with our new puppies adoptive families today, it was pretty great... We have 5 families interested in our pooches so if all the references go well on Monday! 5 of our Collie x Border Collie pups will have found homes - that's pretty amazing!

Everyone here is doing great although they are all pooped out from my going crazy again and making them all bark, play, growl and HAVE FUN! My nightly chore - god this job is SOOOOO hard lol.

Groomy got the much deserved shave down, poor baby although she really looks amazing - thanks Yasmin for bringing her to your groomer - she looks great!

OK, well, I should wind down and relax for a change, still have some doggy laundry to do and cleaning for tomorrow's client visits - talk to you all soon!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Puppy viewing Saturday at 1:30pm

Being that we are already fully booked this weekend, we are inviting clients to come see the Collie x Border Collie puppies this Saturday, October 16th at 1:30pm to 2:30pm. We have had many e-mails and calls for our Collie x Border Collie babes that will soon be ready for adoption. They will be available next week, they are dewormed already but are only getting their annual vet check and 1st set of shots (DHPP) on Monday, October 18th. This is set up as a group visit so that we can answer all of your questions at the same time. We will see you Saturday at 1:30pm otherwise e-mail us and we will book you for next weekend when they are ready for adoption.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What is wrong with this picture?

I think some people don't know what CHARITY means, well here goes, it means we spend money on dogs and don't get the full amount back, we do this because we want to save lives and of course we love doing this. Why are you asking us to give our dog for free or reduce our rates? Obviously you haven't seen our vet bills to spay or neuter a dog and clean teeth or have some pulled out because they are rotten or even then - pay for shots, rabies, DHPP, dewormers, multi-advantage, hernia or cyst removals, etc... Oh, and don't forget the $50 walk-in fee to have a dog checked to see if he/she is healthy. Add this all up and we pay more than $675 for each adult dog that comes through our door, that is without teeth extractions or cleaning - just for regular visis, spay/neuter, dewormers, multi-advantage, rabies, DHPP and check ups. Yet we only charge $400 for our rescues and still have a few people daily wanting them for free! If that is the case, why come to a charity in the first place? Why not find your own free dog with issues or worms or fleas, not spayed with a hernia and very bad breath/teeth? Certainly because you don't want the extensive vet bill. If you have problems paying for our fee when our dog is completely vetted, what about food? What if something goes wrong, who will pay the future vet bills? You may want to wait until you are financially secure before getting a pet!!

Anyways, I'm venting but am tired of e-mails asking for free dogs or discounted rates, we spend a lot of money on our rescues. This not including food, treats, training, etc... Don't even get me started on administrative fees such as hydro, phone bill which by the way does NOT come out of NARC account but actually my personal account to help NARC stay in business... Our dogs are special because they have survived and have found their way into our home/rescue. Even when NARC has no funds, our volunteers will donate to help cover the veterinary cost for these lovely beings. Quite amazing to have people pay for dogs that don't belong to them and not ask anything in return!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Puppy update

Well, it's nice to have these 13 puppies, they are certainly the centre of attraction and the neighbourhood kids are enjoying them fully - playing dress up and cradling them. They certainly are getting tons of attention from volunteers, friends and family!

Elvis our new black Cocker Spaniel who is only 7 months old and Sunshine our gorgeous Maltese 1.5 year old girl are at the vet's tonight. They will be spayed/neutered and getting their shots tomorrow morning. We'll be picking them up after work and settling them in a crate for a few days of recovery.

The 13 Collie x's and the new cocka-lab pup will all be going to the vet's on Monday for their first shots, the Collies will then be almost 8 weeks and ready for their loving homes afterwards. The lab x is approx 3-4 months, very cute and yes we need to post pictures of him for you to see.

Everyone else is doing great, a few took their spays tough last week but are doing better this week!

I can't thank our volunteers enough, they come every weekend and pound away bathing dogs getting them ready for their spay/neuter, cleaning dog runs, crates, grooming, cleaning outside and of course chatting up our clients. We have so many visitors that I sometimes loose track but do know that without them helping, I'd be up till midnight cleaning up, grooming, etc... Thank you gals & guy lol, new guy in town helping out which is great! I love you all and am always looking forward to seeing you each and every week! Hope I had more time to sit and chat when you are here! I miss you, it's like I didn't get a chance to say HELLO this past weekend!

Friday, October 8, 2010

13 Collie x Border Collie puppies

Yep, 13 and all from the same litter. Just too adorable, we will post pictures very soon of these adorable babies. They will be vetted early next week then ready for adoption.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More doggies

Cute little Shih-Tzu, older gal that will be looking for her home soon. She is very sweet, loves attention and certainly wants to be in our arms to cuddle.

Westie x female and male Terrier have been picked up by our volunteer and are with her tonight due to arrive here at NARC tomorrow for their vetting and training.

6 dogs were spayed/neutered early this week, are in recovery till Saturday but then ready for their loving homes. Billy the T-Cup Chihuahua, Kermit the pom, Jade the Min Pin, Junebug the JRT, Punky the Daschund and Tamarra the Shih-Tzu. All are very adorable, did great at the vet's and so far are doing well with their recovery. Some of their pictures are posted and others coming soon for you to see.

If you are looking, you better call to meet whomever you think is a fit soon as we already have people coming to see Jasper, Jade, Punky, Shamrock, Maybell, Snoopy, Camelia and Lutin this weekend. We are pretty sure they will find homes very quickly! We are booking fast and only have a few openings left!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

9 new arrivals this week

Yep, I must be insane, not only am I mopping every 5 minutes with this rain and dirty paws making paw prints on the floors but I also took in another 9 doggies from the gaz chamber. Well, couldn't leave them there to die could I?? Now we really need funds to help these guys get spayed/neutered, shots, etc... Thanks to our wonderful Coralie for driving to Montreal and back with these wonderful dogs every week!

Another Tiny Pomeranian male, looks identical to Lutin which is quite funny! A small Cocker Spaniel female, a male Shih-Tzu, a female Miniature Pincher who is quite scared but she will come around in time. A puppy that looks like a cocker x lab?? A tiny little wire haired Daschund, a very small female Jack Russel Terrier. A white miniature poodle although she is really matted so will need a good groom - another long job this weekend! And a Lhasa Apso male although may be Shih-Tzu but does seem to have the Lhasa hair!

We'll have them checked by our vet, spayed or neutered, given shots and trained before they are ready for adoption. Pictures to be posted soon, hopefully this weekend!

Don't forget to donate through the United Way Campaign, our registered Charity number is on the first page of our website - help us make a difference, not only in changing our dogs lives but also people's lives - those that adopt from NARC!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh God, More Rain!!!

Oh boy, does this house get messy when it rains! Paw prints or shall I say water prints everywhere, mopping 20 times during evenings and wet doggies splashing everything in sight! Those are the days I'd like to have a locking door on that "trap" door of ours so I can lock the doggies inside for a few hours at a time! In and out priviledge is very nice for them but not so nice for the floors or my mopping skills lol. Oh well, they seem to be enjoying being wet and still run in and out - you'd think they would stay inside when it rains - no?

The new doggies were named, pictures posted on the website and are going to the vet's tomorrow and Wednesday, they are so adorable. Really good dogs, well behaved, no barking, docile, good with other dogs... I can't believe they would have been put down! Even the Basset is a quiet guy, considering the breed - we lucked out with him indeed! And Hulio, well, he is just the sweetest big guy ever, he's living with all the small pooches, so docile that we plucked him in with the pact and he just fit right in and is a fluffy pillow for the small ones who like to curl up on him or right by his side - such a sweet and quiet boy! He will certainly melt a few hearts, oh sorry that's already started with the volunteers hearts and mine of course! Just adorable, all of them different yet so special as they survived!

Don't forget it's United Way time again this year, find it in your hearts to help NARC take more doggies out of the gaz chamber or off death row at pounds! Help us help them get here, get vetted and then re-homed - it's such a joy to do this - you can't even comprehend!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New doggies have arrived

We've taken another 6 doggies off death row at a pound in Montreal tonight, here are some of the details to start with and pictures will follow shortly.

One tiny little Pomeranian male, very cute who was abandonned in his home with his playmate, a very matted Maltese male who needs a groom big time - he is as matted as Snoopy was when he arrived!!! The pom is right by my side licking my arm as I am typing away!

A T-cup Yorkie, very sweet and already wants to be in my arms all the time, he is on my lap and trying to climb my arm now as I type this. His tongue is always sticking out!

A Basset Hound x Beagle or something like that... Male and very good looking and friendly!

A Border Collie, calm and we think he's a bit older - will let you know further once our vet sees him.

And, last but not least a small Bishon Frisé, very quiet and very cute.

They are all scared but are coming out of that fear already and it's only been a few hours of my famous TLC. So, by the end of the weekend, they will be normal doggies again, not afraid and never will they be neglected again as they have found their loving home tonight and have SURVIVED! We will have them all neutered next week and of course by then they will have had a full week at NARC and feel very comfortable in our loving and friendly environment!

Most of you are unaware of what they go through, not knowing they were abused, neglected, left behind to starve... You don't see these "scared" little faces we see weekly when they arrive, wondering what is next? Where am I? Who is this crazy person - oh she does seem nice!? You see the nice and well behaved dog you adopted from NARC, fully re-habilitated. These dogs will trust us within days or hours, letting humans decide their faith again - why? Because they don't have a VOICE! We opened NARC to become their VOICE - to speak up for them and take them out of a faith they have not selected - that a human decided for them - to discard of them, to move and leave the dog behing without food or water... They are not a toy or a shirt you throw away - are they? Please find it in your heart to help NARC take in more of these poor little babies out of the gaz chambers! We need your donations as we can't help them all otherwise. 6 dogs to me is not enough when I know we've left so many others behind!! United Way is on, give to NARC through payroll deductions or send us a cheque by mail at 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9 - your money WILL save a life or two...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

United Way Campaign is here again

For all of you out there that give to the United Way or maybe you've never but were anticipating starting this year - please think of NARC. You can have payroll deductions, proceeds going to Navan Animal Rescue Corporation. All you have to do is fill out the forms, enter NARC's name with our Registered Charity number which is 84469 3788 RR0001, it's as simple as that! Thank you for your kindness and donations towards our very good cause! Every year, NARC takes doggies off death row, all the doggies we take in would be euthanized if we didn't exist but we need funds to keep this business alive and feel it is important to remain in business. Every day we see dogs we can not help due to the lack of funds, your donation would change that and enable NARC to grow! Please consider our plea to help these poor souls from a faith they have not earned or chosen!

$5.00 Nail Trim - Saturday, Sept 25th

Get your doggies nails trimmed for only $5.00, proceeds going to NARC to help with our pooches. Come one, come all, spread the word and join us next Saturday, September 25th at Man's Best Friend, 2756 Chamberland Street in Rockland anytime from 9am to 5pm.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Donation Box - Outdoor Storage Container

I've bought one of those outdoor storage containers and installed it at the front of the property, just besides the front gates for those of you who want to drop off donations at any time! It's marked "NARC Donation Drop Off" and we check it a few times daily so feel free to leave your donations in them! We get a lot of calls from people wanting to come during the week so now you can! Although there may not be a volunteer on site as we work mostly evenings and weekends to serve our customers, we are always looking for new ways to service you as best we can and of course it helps out our doggies in the process. The container is quite large, would say 4 ft wide by 2ft deep and 3ft high so it will fit larger items. You can leave dog food, treats, doggy items (beds, blankets, toys...), crates, garage sale items for those wanting to get rid of some small household items, we do take them for our annual garage sales yearly - it certainly helps us in raising funds!

Thank you to those that have already left your blankets, towels, our new container, we're glad it's working out for you and not only have we received your items, they are great and will be much used! Also a big thanks to those that have left items at our Vet's for NARC before we had the container, we've picked them up and the doggies are enjoying their new blankets, beds and toys!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday's KHS Walkathon

Although it was a rainy and windy day in Kingston, we were well dressed with good waterproof shoes and had a good day... We were lucky that Starbucks had an extra tent to lend NARC or we would have been very wet! Now this is something we need to invest in - a good tent for events!!! Overall, we really enjoyed our time there, it was a good day, we met tons of new people and saw a few of our doggies which was very nice. We were set up besides Kareen which is a client who took one of our puppy mill dogs named Lulu a few years back and also did some volunteer driving for NARC. Kareen has now set shop named Kingston Animal Rescue and we are very happy to have another rescue out there to call a friend - keep up the good work Kareen and we are here if you need us!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A quieter NARC

Wow, it's been quite the summer with 50-60 all the time... now down to 25! Most of the puppies have found wonderful homes, only 4 left for adoption. Page, my wonderful lovely Page has gone to her new home today, I really hope they love her as much as I did - she is such a wonderful dog and it was really hard to part with her! Maya and Sean also found their loving homes after a few months with us.

Chakra, Claude, Jasper and Daisy are still here, awaiting their loving homes. Although Jasper is quite shy with strangers, he is really a good dog so we are hoping someone opens up their homes to him! The others are just too great so no reason to be here and we are sure they will find loving homes quite soon!

Toby needs a special loving and quiet home, he is so shy with people although he is coming around with us - he is still afraid of new people. So skinny although we are really working hard on fattening him up - he is a good boy, certainly not his fault to be this way, just needs more loving to come out of his shell.

Someone gave Bonnie her "chance", she will hopefully come around with her new mommy as she did here with me. She is a wonderful dog so we are sure they will love her even if she showed she was quite afraid when they left with her. We are happy she was given a good chance with a wonderful new mommy to spoil her rotten.

Clyde is much better since Bonnie left, no longer following her around and is now coming around more every day since. He will surely find a loving home as he is quite the dog.

Anyways, better stop yapping - see some of you tomorrow in Kingston!

Friday, September 10, 2010

KHS Walkathon on Sunday

Hoping to see some of you there, we will be set up at a table with some items for sale and hopefully get a few donations or adoptive families for some of our pooches! NARC wasn't able to put together their own Walkathon this year since the property is a mess with the new house being built, but next year we will definitely organize one.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Update from the farm

Page, Sean and Maya are going to the vet's tonight so that they can get spayed/neutered tomorrow morning, shots, annual vet check, etc....

Page is certainly going to find a home shortly thereafter as she is just too sweet to be at a rescue. She loves to play with toys and ropes, she will keep herself busy for hours on end!

Sean and Maya are now 6 months old so time to get them altered, although they were available as puppies before, now they won't be available till at least Sunday as they need time to recover.

Bear is still the sweetest boy ever, not a peep from him - ever, he is just so quiet but has started to play with us which is quite nice.

Few doggies still aren't on our website, lack of time to take pictures but we hopefully will make time this weekend to post pictures and bios. Keep looking as we will have updates very soon!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quite the week!

We met new people at the Navan Fair who came to pick up some of our pooches, one couple in particular has been coming back almost every day/evening to help out at NARC. Wow, they have built shelves in the shed and it just looks amazing - definitely was needed and strong wood shelves won't break with the weight of the dog food bags, etc... There is so much room in there now compared to just enough to get by - what a difference! I don't know what I would do without all my wonderful volunteers, donors, clients and other rescues who always seem to be able to find drivers to bring us our pooches! You guys are the best!

New doggies have come in, they are very sweet and will certainly be up for adoption soon. We have a few issue dogs but are prepared to home them with "special" families only. One is a boston terrier, he likes certain individuals but if he doesn't like you - he just doesn't and could bite or snap. He is perfect here with everyone but then again he knows he can't get away with much here at NARC that is if he doesn't want to spend the day in a crate if punished... He needs someone with doggy experience yet a very quiet home that has little visitors as we would be worried if there were too many visits - what if one of them is un-likable from his point of view. Obviously was not well cared for and he probably will get better and better in time but we are being overly careful.

A black lab aslo is very fearful with strangers, he will growl but if I tell him to be nice and say hello, he will come for some loving but with his tail between his legs. He is perfect here with us and is really a good dog but needs a home without many people and hopefully in the country as I wouldn't see him in the city with all the people on the streets - he would litterally freak out and probably try to escape.

They are not posted on our website as we don't want people calling for them unless they really want to work with them such as we are doing now. If we can't find them good homes, they will remain at NARC for months until we feel 100% secure they are well socialized in every environment and situation.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Navan Fair Parade - outcome

It was a gorgeous day, the pooches did an amazing job yet again today especially with all the excitement, people, noises, horses, tractors, sirens, music, etc... They were all so well behaved, luckily they get used to the horses and other farm animals here as we wouldn't be able to bring them! We were right behind the horses today and they didn't even care! We brought our 2 NARC dogs (Casey and Tila) and a few rescues such as Poochie, Honey, Max, Oliver and Puppy. 7 volunteers came to walk with 7 our of doggies, we passed flyers, had made a banner for NARC, doggies were wearing new collars with "bling bling" and new leashes. I gave them all a bath the morning of as the grass was wet and of course the few white dogs got their paws all black from running in the wet grass then sand! Couldn't bring dirty doggies to the Parade now could we... Some of the town's people recognized NARC so that was pretty good and we are sure everyone enjoyed our pooches, especially the kids! We got a lot of Ooooh, Aahhhh, Cute, Look at that one and of course the "you shouldn't have told me he was up for adoption!", etc... Many were amazed at how well trained, quiet and good they all were.

They were all pooped when we got home! Poochie wanted to be carried all the way back to the car, guess it's a long walk for a tiny little house doggy! Honey made it almost all the way back, she probably would have but I took pity on her and carried her back to the car - she looked exhausted and was almost falling asleep when we took break before heading back to the cars!

We made a mental note that next year, we should leave a car at the Navan Fair to drive the doggies and us back to the "start" location and our other cars as it is quite a long haul on a hot day! Or, get someone to pick us up! Certainly hope we don't forget it...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Navan Fair Parade tomorrow 11am

Yep, it's already time again this year for the Navan Fair Parade and NARC is participating and bringing quite a few pooches to the walk! It's Saturday 11am (tomorrow). Hope to see some of you there, it'll be quite fun such as last year and we will surely be pooping out a few pooches after their long walk during the Parade then long walk back to our cars! Hopefully all of them make it back, last year one of our pooches wanted to be carried all the way back to the car, Lucie decided halfway through that she didn't want to walk anymore and was quite stubborn about it Ha! Ha!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Refer NARC - help by giving today!

100's of doggies are put down weekly! Help us or other rescues by giving today so we can get these decent pooches from a faith they have not earned nor selected... If it wasn't for NARC and many other rescues that work together on a daily basis, many dogs would be euthanized every day!! We, and I mean all of us rescues putting our heads together to pull these dogs off death row can only take in so many at a time... So, there are still some we can't help due to the lack of funds, dog runs, dog houses, foster homes, etc... Yes, we still manage to reduce the euthanization rate in Canada but we, together, could do so much more! For the cost of one pack of cigarettes weekly, 2 ice caps at Tim Hortons weekly, you could really change a few doggies faith! It doesn't take much, one individual giving us $5.00 weekly or even monthly may not look as much but when you have 50 people giving $5.00 each every month - THEN we can make the world spin! REFER a RESCUE or NARC today!

I know many clients are referring NARC and we thank you for that, if it wasn't for all of you out there who's thoughts and concerns are sent our way - we wouldn't be able to remain in business. There is no way to THANK YOU the way we wished we could so we will send you all hugs and kisses from our pooches that made their way here because of YOU.

NARC very rarely takes releases, our spots are kept for death row dogs and this is a HUGE cost to us! Taking releases is fairly simple and has less cost but also reduces our vacant spots for the ones that really need them, our death row doggies... NARC was created with special care to take on special needs, abandoned or negledted animals AND reduce the euthanization rate in Canada. Make a difference today and help us eliminate that euthanization rate.

Our usual costs are:
Spay/neuter, shots, dewormers, multi-advantage, pain medications after surgery, other surgeries (hernia, tumor, cherry eye...) or dental work/cleaning as needed, etc... of course the extra veterinary care - such as dental work or cleaning and cherry eye is only done if we have the funds to provide it to our pooch.

Picking up a pound dog who will be euthanized if we don't has extra costs such as our gas from Navan to somewhere in Montreal or Quebec, paying the pound up to $150 to have them release the dog to a rescue. Of course the death row dogs cost us more in veterinary care as most do need the dental work or have other surgeries such as hernias/tumors. Although pound dogs are more expensive to NARC - they are worth every penny.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Needs at NARC

We have built a few new dog runs, one was donated which is perfect as we've been rescuing like CRAZY! Now we need a few dog houses to provide shade to our pooches during the day. It doesn't have to be the perfect dog house as they only need it when they are playing outside and do have in and out priviledge in the mobile home. Of course when it does rain - they all run inside and have me mopping every minute! But, some doggies just enjoy spending the entire day outside and I see them always looking for shade after having basked in the sun so the houses would help them with that! A few of our pooches have to be forced inside such as Bear, he certainly would stay out all night if he could but I won't let him. I guess the house is too hot for him but I always worry he will catch cold or something... Same as Page, she has a house of her own, and her 8 pups of course, but on rare occassions we find her out at night - crazy doggy!

Other dog runs are needed too so if you know someone who doens't need theirs - send them our way!

Monday, August 2, 2010

What a great weekend!

We've had a great adoption week and weekend and tons of help from our volunteers. We've placed 7 of Miley's puppies into great loving homes. 2 came back yesterday for their last dewormer and visit and our clients are very happy with their tiny little babies and the fact that they were paper trained to start their new lives.

It has been quite busy the last few weeks and I have been running around every week night either at the vet's with pooches or picking up new doggies - quite hectic if you ask me!!! But, needs to be done.

Page's puppies will get their shots sometime this week then ready for adoption, they are just so adorable. Once all the pups are placed, I am not sure what I will be doing with all my spare time Ha! Ha!

Belvedere didn't last long, he was so beautiful that he immediately found a home and so did Chikita. Now to neuter Jasper and the 4 other new doggies so they can find their loving homes.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Things we need!

All the blabbing about the dogs and I forgot to mention we are in desperate need of Mr.Clean or cleaning products, Javex, Vinegar, etc... Anything with a very strong smell (citrus or orange is our favorite as it reduces the doggy smells in the house). Renew air-fabric super odour neutralizer spray is fantastic for the dog beds and we are also out, we just love that one and it is quite inexpensive compared to others.

We are also running out of leashes and nylon collars for small to medium dogs and of course collars for puppies - extra small!

We also need more Tea Tree Oil and Oil of Oregano. We also use the Tea Tree Oil for cleaning as it disinfects almost to 100% and is what we need to completely disinfect cages/crates, bedding (we put drops in the washing machine), etc...

If you have any of those items, drop them off anytime - if we aren't here you can leave them behind the cement wall at the front besides the gates.

If anyone has an outside large tote or storage bin, we surely could use it to place at the front of the property as a donation drop off box. This way the rain won't get to our items before we get back from either picking up pooches or vet appointments!!!

Puppies are ready!

The pups did great at the vet's and are all very healthy, now with their first DHPP booster and dewormed every 2 weeks; they are ready for their loving homes. The 3 chocolate brown pups have found their way into loving homes this weekend but 7 are left! Call us to meet with them, we have a feeling that they will go fast! They are way too cute...

Miley is recovering from having fed her 10 babies, she will dry up and then be spayed to be able to find her own loving home. She is still the sweetest dog!

Bonnie & Clyde are gone to a foster family so that they have more one on one time since we were so busy here with all the others!! They are doing well and should be less afraid soon now that they have tons of affection.

Page's pups will be ready soon for adoption too! Quite the puppy heaven here that's for sure!

Chakra, Chikita and Belvedere are just the sweetest and friendliest ever - they are great dogs. Have a look at our website as we already posted pictures of the beauties! They will be spayed/neutered this week and then up for adoption once recovered. We do have a foster family for Chikita and another for Jasper as he is so shy with people that he needs more family time to gain people's trust.

Yep, NARC is moving ahead with foster families, we've never really did that before unless we were on holidays but it's time to grow and with all the dogs in need, we are here to take them in and hopefully find good fosters or permanent homes. We have over 50 dogs in our care for the last few weeks now, that's a whole lot of doggies!

Navan Fence is helping and donating their time and new dog runs. We are preparing for when we move out of the mobile home so that we are up and ready to accept over 100 dogs in care this fall. That is just amazing!!!

I guess that's it for now, let us know if you wish to hear from one of our pooches that we haven't mentionned here today!

Friday, July 16, 2010

How many more doggies can fit in that Window?

Yep, you've guessed it.... It just keeps getting busier by the minute. Again a call out for foster homes, if you have a friend, family member, neighbour or anyone looking to foster one of our small or large pooches, let us know. We picked up another 2 at the pound last night, golden lab's x, are picking up another few tonight (won't tell you how many as some volunteers may just kill me!) and another few coming in tomorrow morning! Just a few here and there - no biggie Ha! Ha!

Those from tonight are going to be in quaranteen, same as the 2 we picked up last night due to "parvo" in hopes that they are all fine after their shots and quaranteen!

The ones arriving tomorrow will have been seen by a vet so we can introduce them to the pact which makes it quite simple! 2 young Chihuahuas, can't wait to meet them as we surely enjoy our Chihuahuas! If only people understood the breed and not say "my neighbour had one and it was very yappy or nippy!" They are soooo not that once well trained and are just so well behaved and lovable! Think what you will - we surely don't mind a full house of Chihuahua's, have 3 already and another few arriving and certainly would take on more! They are the easiest to train and love, small which make them take no space at all and way too cute for words!

OK enough blah blah, have to run to pick up those new doggies! Talk soon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yip-Yap update

Miley's pups are eating and drinking, they are so adorable, soon going for their shots then up for adoption in a few weeks! Gosh it goes by so fast!

5 doggies are sleeping at the vet's tonight, getting their spay or neuter, shots, check-ups, etc... tomorrow and then back home here to NARC for their recovery.

I splurged on a new stand-alone AC, they are expensive but we certainly needed it. I've also covered the huge bay window to keep the house cool as the sun coming wasn't helping in keeping the house cold enough. Now it looks funny not to be able to see the horses running around outside from the bay window but the dogs will definitely enjoy the cooler air!

If anyone has thick/dark drapes to give, now is the time as that cardboard paper I've taped to those big windows look horrible Ha! Ha! Ha! But it does the trick until we have drapes!

Page's pups are also doing very well, they are getting bigger and stronger, crawling everywhere in their own trailer home - too cute!

We just took in a Cocka-Poo also, she is very sweet and will be ready soon for her loving home that has a fenced in area as she supposedly is a runner - if she gets loose that is - none of that here!!!

That little white JRT female that came in on Sunday, is just a people people little doggy, she wants to be with us sooooo much that she actually climbed out of the 6 foot fence to rush to the barn to be with us. Now, she has to be crated while we are gone as I don't want this to happen when we are not home! Although, she is very good off leash and will just follow you everywhere, I am just worried she would go looking for a human friend elsewhere if no one is here! She will make someone who wants a lap dog very very happy as this is certainly what she wants to be! Perfect dog to take at the cottage as she just will never leave your side, great off leash and will follow her loved ones everywhere!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Update at the farm

It certainly is a hot week, the AC we have doesn't fit in the window so we will have to see if we can't purchase one as the doggies are really warm. We are filling the water buckets with fresh and cold water quite a few times daily, they surely are quiet with this heat and only want to lounge around Ha! Ha!

Miley's puppies have started drinking on their own a bit which is a good sign, they haven't started to eat but we are enticing them daily.

Wednesday we received a tiny Shih-Tzu, he is cute and will be neutered this week, he does have a skin infection and is on antibiotics so we will keep him until his skin clears up.

Thursday we picked-up 3 more puppies from the pound, just adorable golden labs x greyhound, we rushed them to the vet's on Friday for their DHPP, rabies, dewormer and annual vet check. They seem to be enjoying the farm and are healthy! We will post pictures as they are ready for adoption this weekend, 1 female and 2 males - 5 months old.

We picked up a JRT, Poodle, Bishon & Japanese Chin on Sunday, they are very cute although the poodle and Bishon are very shy, they will come around with time. Now to book them for their veterinary check up and shots, spay/neuters, etc...

Busy busy, it's nice to see the house full of little yip-yaps enjoying their stay, some are new to having the freedom they deserve and seem to be really liking it. Well, back to work today after 5 days home with the pooches, it's a very sad day and I wish I was home again with my little ones but only 4 days till the weekend again!!! One day soon - I will be working from home full time for NARC... can't wait!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tractor & doggy update

My neighbour was so so so nice to fix not only my new mower but the old one too so we have a running tractor for the parades YIPEE. He also said he may have a little wagon for us so we could pull a few kids with puppies or something at the parade! Now we need volunteers to come and paint the old orange tractor and give it the "NARC" touch. Make it look fun and ensure it attracts people's eyes! We'll need to get lettering to paint NARC and our website, maybe phone number too - ideas people now is the time to come up with them. Louise here at work said she will fix the seat and figure something out in brown, with ears at the back so that will be fun looking!

Page is still driving me crazy, she is a very strong dog, I've put patio stones on top of patio stones so that she doesn't get under the mobile home and yet - there she is again, night after night, when I get home from work I get dirty and pissed off for having to crawl under the trailer and get her pups back on their comfortable bed IN THE HOUSE! There always has to be the ONE doggy who knows how to push your buttons Ha! Ha! Anyways, they are doing well and she is still too cute and sweet to get way too mad at...

Miley's puppies had visitors, all the neighbours came to greet them and pet them, they now know my voice and when I come in they all run to greet me - just too adorable. She too had me working hard, was doing the same as Page (in the same trailer) so we moved her to the barn but not before having to muck the biggest stall in there for a whole day to get it all sparkling clean for Mom and Pups.

Well, I have new muscles now and my body is aching from head to toe from lifting tiles, mucking manure, planting flowers, mowing the very very tall grass since we just got all of our mowers back this week - it's been quite the hard working week but I FEEL GREAT! OK a bit tired but still GREAT! The new garden around the pond is looking wonderful, can't wait to see it next year when the baby plants are full grown and produce thicker/wider foliage!

Bring on the perennials, plants, shrubs - if you have them, we will take them and finish our pond garden, to give you an idea, we are planting around a pond that is approximately 200 ft each side and 20-30 feet at the ends so it's a big pond and we need perennials big time! The bridge is another story and we will soon start working on fixing it - only when the grass around it is finally mowed as it's hard to access it right now!

I guess that's it otherwise I will be writing a book - talk to you all soon!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun day at the farm!

Well, I'm having issues with Page, gosh she's driving me crazy but she's just to gorgeous to stay mad at her. She keeps getting loose by digging under her trailer, running around on the farm and always moving her pups under the trailer in the dirt... It wasn't too pleasant this morning to kneal in the mud after the rain, to reach out for puppies who are all muddy! At least Carole was here and able to see all her cutie puppies, from afar as Page wouldn't let her near but it still helped me by not having Page in my face while getting them out from under the trailer! I've hopefully fixed the problem with patio stones so she quits digging - what is it with large breed dogs and digging!? Miley used to do the same thing so we had to move her from that trailer too!

The 2 black lab pups seem fine, we named them Ariel and Maui although I am not sure about Maui, he seems a bit week today, let's hope they don't have Parvo! Yep, they come from that particular pound so we are worried...again!

We named the beagles Goyen and Aliah, they are very very sweet and adorable, Goyen the male always has his full tongue sticking out, he is quite funny and became really soft after his bath!

Troy still has a bare back, we will have to bring him to the vet's again and figure out something, he is doing much better now that his dental cleaning is done, eating very well but we are still worried about the hair loss! Plus he still needs to get neutered.

Bear is doing very well, his gash on his head is healing, although he still doesn't like that cone of his, too bad as we don't want him to scratch at his stitches. We will give him the much needed and deserved bath hopefully tomorrow and see if it's time to take those stitches out!

The puppy mill dogs, Bonnie & Clyde are still shy with strangers and won't let anyone approach them but they are coming around with me which is good. Bonnie won't let me caress her but she will come and get treats from my hand now which is pretty amazing!

That's it for now folks, talk soon!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Doggy Walkathon - Sept 12th in Kingston

This year, we have been invited by KHS (Kingston Humane Society) to their 12th Annual Pledge Walk and Day in the Park. We will need a few volunteers to come with us so if you want to join, please let us know. It is September 12th at the Lemoine Park in Kingston, registration starts at 10am and walk begins at 11am. The daily events are till 3pm so join us for a day of fun in Kingston - time for a joy ride to Kingston and fun filled day with us and other rescues! We have been helping KHS for a few years now, taking in their dogs when they have no space left so help us and them by joining this fun activity. We know it's a bit far but make it a road trip and have fun with it! NARC's property is not ready to hold events this year with the new construction and debris everywhere so we have opted to tag along with KHS - hoping to see many of you there!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quite the day!

Well, guess everyone felt the earth quake today... We were worried the mobile home wouldn't be standing but it was fine although a few items had fallen and the dogs seemed a bit spooked! Just have to get used to the concept of having a home on blocks, guess they are stronger than what I thought they were...

Page gave birth to her little ones on Monday, they are all black and just too adorable, see below pictures.

Mika's pups are just too cute, see pictures below of my daughter holding them while I take snap shots!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Busy Busy - need fosters for Black Labs

We rushed to two pounds today to pick up doggies in need and of course took them off death row. From one pound on our way to Montreal we took 2 gorgeous puppies, look like black labs, very sweet. The other pound in Montreal we took in 2 beagles, male & female, little femals was devocalised poor thing although her male counterpart is certainly sharing his voice enough for both - yup, certainly a pure beagle! We are working with him on that and in a few days he will be a non barker such as the rest here at NARC.

Miley's pups are just gorgeous and getting fatter every minute, their eyes are opened now and they are crawling everywhere, too cute for words. We gave them their first dewormer this weekend and all seems to be well with Miley and her babes.

Page hasn't given birth yet but she is getting fatter by the minute, certainly is harder to run around with that big belly of hers, we are anticipating her birthing soon and can't wait to see how many she has!

Bear always seems to be trying to scratch his head off, we have to watch him every minute as we don't want him to pull his stitches off. He has a cone on and he really doesn't like that... Was panting all day and night the first time we had it on him, it really stressed him out but he is getting used to it now - no choice Bear - we don't want infection in that head surgery of yours!

Yep - we have our hands full and getting fuller every day. We had to turn down another 10 dogs this week so if you do want to foster for us - let us know, now is the time and we need you as we are out of space yet have many in need of our help! Call us NOW if you can take a larger doggy, Black Labs mostly into your home for us!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Page is pregnant!

Well, needless to say we had postponed Page's spay the week prior due to the lack of funds and last week due to Bear's tumor removal. That being said, after 2 weeks of postponing her spay, we now see that she is very pregnant and due any day now! Tonight or tomorrow she will give birth to her little ones, she is already showing all the signs of birthing. We saw she was a bit on the fatty side but were hopeful that she had just been fed very very well - not the case at all Ha! Ha! We'll keep you posted on how many babes she has, so far she is doing very well and is just as adorable as ever!

Friday, June 11, 2010

BBQ was very pleasurable!

Our BBQ at the Westboro BMO was a lot of fun today and I think, speaking for myself and all our volunteers that we all enjoyed it, I know I sure did! I haven't counted our profits yet but am sure it's over $400, enough to cover Bear's surgery YIPEE! We met a lot of new people and of course their doggies so overall a very good event and a very beautiful day! We brought Maho and Bennie, they did a very good job today and were really good boys for everyone they met. Of course they also had a Hot Dog and enjoyed every bite! Maho is going to make a family very happy, he surely won't be with us long as he was just too good today to be left at a rescue! Thank you everyone who stopped by, ate or donated and hoping to see you all again soon.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Join us Friday at the Westboro BMO BBQ for NARC

Hey all,

We will be at the Bank of Montreal in Westboro on Friday from 11am to 3pm with a few doggies, information on NARC and ready to answer any questions that come our way. BMO has invited us to set up a BBQ in front of the bank, all proceeds going to NARC. It's time to join us for a Hot Dog or Burger. There is a raffle at the bank for those interested in buying tickets. Come one, come all, spread the word and let's make this a fun filled day!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6am wake up call

Yup, we have a new addition that does the "cockadoodledoo" at 6am. You guess it, a rooster has made it's way to NARC and now has his forever home here with us. See pictures below of our new addition...

Bear our newly matted arrival yesterday had 4 of us working on him today for quite a few hours but he is certainly looking less fat and very good. We are sure he is feeling better as he is now sound asleep! He had trouble walking due to his matted legs and paws but he seemed fine on his last walk which is great. He is a boy! We weren't totally sure as it was just a big ball of matts but now that he is shaved short, we found out he's a boy Ha! Ha!

Miley and her 12 puppies are doing well. Yes, I miscounted and there are actually 12 little ones! Less freaky than 11 as it was starting to worry me!!! (For those who don't know why, Moxie had her 11 pups just before our house fire so it was just too wierd for me to handle!).

That's it for now, going shopping for my house and then back again to play with the pooches - love it! Talk to you all soon and will post pictures tonight of our new Rooster and of course Bear with his new groom.

Thanks girls for helping me with Bear's groom - I know we work hard and this was certainly a very hard task and really, I don't know what I would do without all of your support! Oh I know! I'd still be grooming till midnight - that's what I would be doing without your help Ha! Ha! Ha!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


See below pictures of Miley's very adorable puppies AND our new arrival...

Gosh, fully matted, stinky and a huge growth on his forehead. We need help for his surgery this week so if you can spare some moulah, send it to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9. Of course this is the before picture, when he arrived tonight... we started with the groom as he had things stuck in his hair!!! Can't believe this was a release at an SPCA, that means someone was living with this dog and just left him like that!?!?!? We named him Bear as this is exactly what he looked like when he arrived, full of shavings stuck in his matted hair, tape - not sure why tape was on this dog but not even sure what else we will find once we finish his grooming!!! We gave up after over 2 hours of shaving and will finish the rest tomorrow once all the batteries are charged again. Of coure we have to shave him very short but it will grown back healthy and he will fell 100% better - that's for sure...

New doggies

Cute and friendly new doggies have arrived. A year old Boston Terrier male named Rudy, a 6 year old male Yorkie named Sushi, a 6 year old male Shih-Tzu named Maho and two puppy mill dogs, Shih-Tzu's, one female and one male approx 5-6 years old.

Of course the puppy mill doggies are a bit afraid and we have yet to find them names but they will come around. At least their tails started to wag today which is a very good sign.

Oh and Miley is doing great and so are her pups - really too cute for words. Will take pictures of the lot and add them to the blog soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Oh Miley, such a great gal and just as wonderful - she gave birth to 11 puppies - YEP 11... WOW and AMAZING! They are either mixed with Standard Poodle or Labrador as none of them look like her - 3 are pure black, 2 are chocolate brown and 6 are cream/tan almost white. That can only mean Standard Poodle - not many pups other than that breed has a mixture of these colours except for Labrador although they usually wouldn't have all three colours!! Only time will tell as to how these gorgeous pups look like when they grow up! We are so excited and happy - certainly starts off the weekend tired but on a good note.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update at the farm

Miley our gorgeous and sucky German Sheppard is probably going to give birth tonight, she is showing all the signs of birthing!!! I am so excited and just can't wait to see her cute puppies. Miley will make a great mom as she is just the sweetest gal. She doesn't want me to leave her side so it will be a very long night for both of us! I've been sitting with her all evening yet she just stood there in front of me licking my face and enjoying her belly rubs, ear rubs and body massages!

We have new arrivals coming in this weekend, see our website later next week for updates, profiles and pictures!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Perennials, Lawnmower & Pond

If you are splitting or getting rid of some perennials - bring them to us and we will certainly make use of them at the farm. We are working on a few gardens to eventually have gorgeous walkabouts for the clients and pooches to enjoy. It only takes 1 plant here and 1 plant there but in a few years will expand and really be an enjoyable place that people will want to visit and enjoy!

We are still looking for someone to work on our old lawnmower and hopefully fix it - not to mow the lawn but at least get it working so we can use it for the parades... although if it does mow, it would be great as the grass is getting taller by the minute without a working mower at the farm!!! If anyone wants to take it and putter around with it to see if they can get it gowing, then we could splash a bit of paint, maybe stencil a dog or two, NARC's name and get it set up with a little trailer for the parades.

We need a few trades men to volunteer their time to fix our bridge over the pond, the bridge itself is very sturdy but the deck on it needs to be replaced. We have the tools, wood & equipment but are so busy with the pooches, medicated baths, medicine time, vet appointments, etc... that we just don't have the time for anything else. It was really pleasant when clients could walk on the bridge and sit there to catch a glimpse of the beaver working, ducks fishing and it would be pleasant to be able to give this back to them. It really was and will be again a really nice spot to just sit and relax with a doggy on your lap! Yup, country in the city and just amazing - really would like to get that back up and running so clients can enjoy and see what I see every day! My family started by planting flowers around the pond to make it look "pretty", now is the time to install the deck on the metal bridge!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Doggy update!

Our pom, Troy who came in without hair on his back is now growing his fur and starting to look quite good. He is very sweet and certainly is loving all the attention he is receiving. We think he will be fine to have his dental work done next week and neuter! Then by the time he is done recovering from those surgeries, he should be ready for his loving home.

Miley our pregnant German Sheppard should give birth within the week, probably next Thursday - can't wait to see her pups as she is just adorable so we are sure the babes will be quite cute!

Mika the Rottie that was abandonned at NARC is doing well, he skin infection has healed and her spay recovery is now going well, she scared us a bit and got really swollen but the anitbiotics certainly helped her. She is quite the dog, very well behaved, loves attention and very docile. Mika will make someone a very happy family!

Hunter & Rascal, the two boys are doing extremely well, they are gaining, eating and drinking very well and just too sweet! We are now ready to introduce them to Blip and Atom so that they can play and live together.

No news on doggies arriving this weekend yet although certainly a few will be leaving us!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Vote for NARC daily

Have a look, vote for NARC and hopefully we will be winners! You can vote daily, help us achieve this goal... Enter Navan Animal Rescue Corporation, Canada, Ontario and search for our rescue.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend update!

I am sure the pooches are very happy that we are with them all day, every day and so are we!

Miley, our pregnant German Sheppard is doing very well, no parvo in sight and she should be giving birth late next week to her beautiful 6 puppies.

Page our gorgeous Husky is also doing very well so we are thinking of bringing her to the vet's this week for her spay and shots.

Hunter and Rascal's first DHPP certainly saved their lives, luckily they were very young, probably 6 weeks old and this is the perfect time to give them their boosters against Parvo. They certainly would have died if we waited any longer as their playmate Twinkle didn't make it. Although we did giver her a DHPP at the same time as the pups last week, it was too late for her and she passed the next day! Rest in peace my love, you were so smart and god I wish you would have made it and found a loving home!!! It's really sad that such great dogs have to be in these situations...

Just in case you are all wondering why we are so stressed about Parvo with these dogs. At this particular pound or I should say "town", it's just known to carry parvo and we did loose 3 puppies before christmas from Parvo from there. That being said, we are not the only rescues to take doggies from that area and have a few fellow rescuers that recently lost 3 puppies from Parvo that were taken from the same place. So, it's fair to say that we now quaranteen each and every dog that we pick up from that area to ensure they don't have Parvo not to spread the disease here in Ottawa. So, 14 days of quaranteen while getting their DHPP which is supposed to prevent Parvo but if the doggy already has the disease - it won't help and they certainly won't make it. It is very sad but we just can't leave them there to be euthanized, out of 10 dogs rescued, only one will have Parvo so the others have a chance in finding good loving homes! It's that CHANCE that we have to take...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update on our pooches

Troy the pomeranian is doing very well, his hair is growing and he is looking quite cute now without scabs in his face and back! He is so nice, so happy when we get home that he does this little twirling and dancing prance for us - funny little guy!

Miley our pregnant German Sheppard is pooping hard and big so only a few more days of quaranteen and hopefully no Parvo in sight! We think she is a lucky girl considering she was exposed for quite some time - good girl Miley for fighting back.

Our new puppies, Rascal, Hunter and Twinkle are doing very well, they are eating and drinking very well and so far they are pooping nicely and seem to not have Parvo! We've decided to bring them to the vet's before their quaranteen is over to get them their DHPP so tomorrow is the day for their check-ups & shots.

As for our gorgeous Husky Page, she is just the sweetest and does this little low howling thing when we walk by - whoo whoo mommy come and pet my belly!

As you can probably feel from reading this blog, we are having tons of fun and of course getting tons of loving from the new arrivals and of course our mosh pit regulars who are always happy to see us and very eager to give kisses and cuddles. This is the life, wouldn't trade it with anyone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


OK, I know I'm blogging a lot today but definitely have to share with you my evening here at NARC. This little girl Twinkle (see picture below) just amazed me!!! We just picked her up last night, played outside with her when we got home, had her run loose on the property with Rascal and Hunter and then showed her the house and her crate for the evening. She just wowed me tonight, the house door was opened and she ran by herself to her own crate, stepped in and waited for me to catch up and shut the door. Isn't it amazing how quickly they grasp things? She will and already is a very smart little girl - someone will be very happy with this one! This from a 10 week old puppy - just amazing!

And don't get me started on Miley our mother to be and our new arrival from yesterday Page. Another WOW - these girls are just way too nice and friendly! Page just flops on her back for a nice belly rub, she is the sweetest little gal for a large breed and so calm. Miley, well she is just perfect on her walks, follows you without pulling and is way too sweet herself! I can't believe how spoiled we are, getting these FABULOUS doggies in and to think they would have all been put down!

Had to share my thoughts! Good night and be blogging with you all very soon.

22 dogs in the household - and counting!!!

Seems to be that everyone always asks how many dogs we have... We usually don't keep count as they come and go like hot cakes but this time someone decided to make a head count! We officially have 22 dogs in the household and 6 puppies to be born in 17 days!! Not bad for the beginning of summer - let's make it 30 soon, then 40 when I move out and then maybe even 50+ - now that would finish our summer in a BANG!

See below pictures of our new babies, although they are in quaranteen and not on our website yet, we figured we can still show them off a bit! We're just missing pictures of our beautiful mom to be - Miley!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Puppies, puppies and other doggies

Yep, it's the time of year when many puppies are out on the streets, end up at pounds and of course we run to the rescue! Can't have puppies put down, it's just not right!

Tonight, we picked up:
Two 6 week old boys, Rascal & Hunter are very tiny and oh so cute - not sure of their breed but will be medium size.
A 9 week old female black lab which we named Twinkle.
A 9-10 month old gorgeous tan Husky which we named Page. She has one blue eye and one green eye - just adorable & very sweet!
They are in quaranteen for now, will be going to the vet's this week for their first DHPP and the Husky for her spay and rabies. See pictures below to be posted on our website once we get the thumbs up from our vet!

On Saturday, we took in Miley, an 11 month old female German Sheppard who is pregnant with 6 puppies, she is due in 18 days, if all goes well that is. She was flown down by another rescue from James Bay but the problem is that the pups she arrived with died of parvo so she is in quaranteen for another week. Send good thoughts that she doesn't get Parvo otherwise she won't make it due to her pregnancy! Of course, we can't give her any shots as she is pregnant but the vet's are doing research to see what could be done for her.

We also took in a pomeranian named Troy on the weekend from another rescue who is in pretty bad shape, needs major dental work (stinky breath), has ringworms so will be here for over a month on medicated shampoo, antibiotics, etc... Of course that means we can't neuter him or give him the dental work needed as he needs to get healthy first. He has scared us a few times, one night he could barely walk so it was difficult to take him out for his business. We gave him vitamins and oil of oregano and the next morning he was running again as if nothing had happened - thank god! He is really a nice dog, although he doesn't look too cute right now due to the lack of hair but really nice personality - the vet was able to do anything with him.

All in all, it's going to be a very busy summer as anticipated and we are just so excited! If you can help in any way either by donating or volunteering - give us a call or send a cheque to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9.

Monday, May 10, 2010

New doggies have arrived

Yep, a few more dogs have come in over the weekend, one definitely needs help ASAP, eye and ear infection - gosh he smells and is loosing his hair!

Any foster families out there looking to take a pregnant German Sheppard for us? She will need a quiet home, hopefully without other dogs so that she can give birth to her pups in peace. Let us know ASAP if you can take her and this has to be a commitment for at least 2 months - her pups need to be 8 weeks before they find a home or return to NARC! Mom will be with us a while longer while her milk dries, then her spay & recovery, etc...

The 3 pups we took in a few weeks ago are doing very well, no Parvo in sight thank god. They need another dewormer but otherwise looking for their forever homes. They are really adorable and will make somoene great medium to large sized pets.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Creative & Helpful People needed!

We have a few events and parades coming up and would need T-Shirts/Golf Shirts printed for NARC. Something simple, NARC on the back in big burgundy letters and on the front right breast Navan Animal Rescue Corporation,, 613-834-7005. If you know of anyone able to donate some T-Shirts or Golf Shirts please inform. We are capable of writing a receipt of a gift in kind to the company for next year’s tax for the lot but unfortunately don’t have the funds for anything other than spay/neutering our pets! Pass the word around and help us find someone with a big heart!

On another note, if anyone has time to fix the old tractor/lawnmower in the yard for NARC and spike it up by painting our Logo, etc... we could ride it in the parades we attend. We could find a little trailer to pull a few volunteers and doggies - that would be nice for our volunteers and may attract more people to "notice" NARC while in the parade! I’ve changed the sparks plugs on the lawnmower and put a new battery last summer but it still won’t start!!! Need someone with a bit more experience and time to get it going again! What do I know, I’m just a

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Drivers needed

If you have a vehicle, we always need drivers to pick up doggies from pounds, SPCA's & Humane Societies. Driving to Cornwall, Montreal (many areas in Montreal), Kingston and surrounding areas. We also need people to pick up donations from clients or companies in the Ottawa area... If you can help, let us know or come and meet with us. It's always last minute though, especially with pounds as we need to get them out before they are euthanized! We get the call and are looking for someone to go that same day to pick up the rescues. NARC will provide crates when needed although this means coming to our facility before heading out!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dedication or love? That is the question...

We get many e-mails saying how dedicated we are for our doggies... Most people who get to really know what we do for our rescues find it overwhelmingly amazing. We just love them so much and really enjoy having them around. Treating them like our own and giving them a chance at receiving love, some probably for the first time in their lives; that gives me joy, pleasure and happiness. I have to admit though, that I do this for myself, the feeling it gives ME when they gain the pounds needed or go up their first flight of stairs, walk properly on the leash and of course when they find good loving homes. It’s definitely a mixed feeling of joy and sadness when they leave! You want to cry as you got attached to the little one but yet again you are so happy that someone out there is willing to do the same you did and is giving them a second chance. It’s an amazing feeling, something I know that I can’t live without! GIVING A BIT OF YOURSELF, very simple and if you do a little every day you will find that your days are more fun and fulfilled. Open the door for a stranger today, give them that big smile of yours and see how it changes your day! That simple gesture will certainly change their day and make them smile back. Try giving a bit of yourself and see what happens, if you are like me, you won’t want to stop!

Friday, April 30, 2010

New doggies need care

First a good bath is a must for the three puppies that were picked up on the side of the road and ended up on death row at a pound... Of course, we had to get them!! They are just adorable, only 6-7 weeks old, eating well, drinking well and going to the vet's tonight for their first shots. 5 of them were found but by the time we could find a volunteer to pick them up, only three remained or survived! Hopefully the three we did take are fine and this is not Parvo again!!! We will have their poop tested to ensure they are worm and parvo free.

4 other gorgeous babes came to us from the SPCA, really nice, cute and friendly. The chihuahua was very scared at first and shaking but by the end of the day he came for cuddles. Now, after not even a week - he jumps up to be picked up, loves cuddles and kisses and is enjoying his time with us at NARC. The 3 others blended in nicely and easily on the first day, the little Lhasa Apso girl is just adorable and will make someone very happy that's for sure. Pictures will be posted very soon, going to get a volunteer on that this weekend!

Few more doggies arriving this weekend - yep - back in business full throttle ahead and loving every minute of it!!! It will be even more pleasurable once my house is done and the dogs have the whole mobile home to enjoy - yeah baby!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thank you volunteers and Fosters

Well, we are back, new doggies are arriving this weekend from the SPCA. I would like to thank all the volunteers and foster homes for caring for our furbabies, returning messages and e-mails while we were basking in the sun Ha! Ha! SUCH Wonderful people out there! I guess our doggies have won our foster's hearts, Phoebe may not be returning to NARC and will hopefully be staying with her foster family permanently. Trone and Omar are being kept another week - they have certainly stolen their foster's hearts! We are glad for our pooches, gives them more one on one with families, they are surely spoiled and we have found great fosters to care for them - it shows! This weekend, people are coming to meet with Trone and Omar and are hoping to hear from our foster homes to see how our babes interacted in their home, with their pets on top of at NARC - perfect references for our dogs - can't ask for better! Thanks again for your devoted love for NARC and our pets - it's certainly greatly appreciated! ;-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Donate on-line now

Donate Now Through!

Faire un don maintenant par!

Or go to to donate to NARC on-line! CanadaHelps issues an electronic tax receipt to the donor immediately following the donation.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

CLOSED April 1st to April 17th

NARC will be closing for a few weeks between April 1st to the 17th. We will have volunteers returning phone calls and e-mails and will be booking appointments if you wish to meet on of our pooches on April 17th & 18th. Thank you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Foster Homes needed April 1st till the 18th

Would you like to foster a pooch for us for a few weeks? We need a few foster homes from April 1st till April 18th. We will provide you with everything you need, food, bed, toys, treats, etc... Give us a call or e-mail us if you wish to take one of NARC's doggies into your care for a few weeks. Very nice dogs, house trained, etc... Thanks for your support!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh so cute! But Mommy's tired...

Well well... Our 3 very small cocker spaniels and tiny Maltese male have been picked up and are now settling in nicely with the other doggies. Of course the little black female cocker had to give me some trouble and woo hooed all night so I'm quite exhausted this morning - on top of the hour change - JEESH! That's the not so fun part of NARC, being woken up by new doggies wondering where they are, what's going on and what's going to happen to me now! The others were very quiet, considering! They are all so happy to have human interaction, were running wild in the snow last night and it was way too funny to see them get muddy, dirty and rubbing themselves on what is probably the first time they see - SNOW! So now they all need good baths although the snow helped with the puppy mill stench lol! We also have a very small Pomeranian that joined our group, she is quite nice, friendly and is going to make someone a beautiful little princess! Anyone free one evening for doggy baths??? If so, call me or come over after work as we need to get them all clean and ready for their spay/neuter this Thursday - we drop them off Wednesday night so it needs to be done tonight or tomorrow!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New doggies arriving

We are getting new pooches in this weekend, cocker spaniels, etc... Have a look at our website this week to see their pictures and read their bio! They are puppy mill dogs so will need a bit of time with us to house train, spay/neuter but if all goes well, they should be available in a few weeks to a month's time. Can't wait to work with them and provide them with the love and care they need!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Have you lost your dogs tonight?

Neighbours called us to say there were two white Lhasa Apso's or Shih-Tzu's running loose on Navan Road... One took off on Canary Street. The one with the black collar did get hit by a car and unfortunately didn't make it. We have called the By-Law Officers/Humane Society to pick him up and they will certainly be looking for the other pooch missing in action. We have looked everywhere for the second doggy, hopefully he went back home!? They caused much comotion on Navan Road - cars stopped, honking, neighbours running out to see if they could catch them! Of course, this all happened almost in front of the rescue so everyone thought it was a few of our pooches but they are all inside cozy and sleeping! So sorry for your loss, hoping you find your other little guy/gal safely!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Doggy Update

Well, our skinny Louis is up to eating 4 ceasar's every few hours, he is doing very well and is now eating like a pig - that will certainly make him gain what he needs... From a boy that we had to spoon feed and who barely ate 1 ceasar every hour (by force) a week ago to now gobbling down 4 ceasar's - and kibbles and treats - that's pretty amazing! His stomach is now getting bigger (normal) and capable of holding onto his foods so he will be perfectly fine! For those who have met Louis, you know what I mean as I've had you feel all his bones - well come see him now, although he is still all bones, he has a tummy Ha! Ha!

Our little princess Lola is also still on her ceasar's, she hasn't started eating kibbles yet so she may stay on soft foods forever! It must be hard to try kibbles when you only have 4 teeth left! She now also comes for attention, will jump on our lap for snuggling but is still shy with kisses - she will give us kisses but when she hears our lips smacking - it still scares her! Poor little girl, what have you been through before coming here!? Still can't put your hand on top of her head as she will take a step back but in time - this will dissipate.

Kassy, one of our little Golden Doodles found her home tonight, we are proud as they are volunteers for other rescues and will make exceptional parents. Mylena is sleeping at my feet, having just had her few ceasar's before bedtime she is sound asleep with her belly full - probably a first as she was on "yesterday's news" in her previous home!!! Gosh, what were they thinking!

Well, hope you like the updates - as per some of your requests to see what is going on here at NARC - let us know how you feel, what you want to hear, or see - we like to hear from you!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Pooches - update

Kassy and Mylena, our golden doodle little girls are doing very well, their appetite has increased and they are eating and drinking well. They are less stressed with people, thanks to our wonderful volunteers who played with them all weekend. They will certainly make the most wonderful yet quiet little house companions.

Louis is still very skinny although he is eating his 2 ceasar's every hour or so and having his kibbles for diner! He will certainly be with us a long time, needs to gain at least 10 pounds before we have him neutered. He is so sweet, quiet and just a cuddle bug now that he is being manipulated daily - he comes for attention. He is great with the cats, other dogs, kids and everyone he has met - will be the perfect companion if you ask me!

Lola has also changed drastically, she now jumps up for attention and wants to be picked up - compared to almost trying to climb walls to get away from us just a short week ago! She must be feeling 100% better now that those stinky and rotten teeth have all been removed, although she is still on antibiotics to ensure no infection.

Millie, well you can't even tell she was spayed and had her hernia removed, she is her sweet self, always looking for some loving and attention!

As for Pebbles our sweet tiny angel, she didn't make it, she has crossed the rainbow bridge and has left our world. Rest in Peace my little princess, we are sad to see you go and sorry that everything we tried didn't make you better!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

2 Gorgeous Golden Doodle Puppies

Poor little things, they got their first bath today and are surely wondering why they are getting so much attention. They are from a puppy mill that obviously wasn't feeding them right. They are skinny, pooped "yesterday's news" which is a litter - wow they must have been really hungry to ingest such a thing. They still aren't sure what dog food is so we are enticing them with soft food to make them eat often so they can gain the much deserved weight! Drinking well, vet said they were quite healthy other than needing to fatten up - although they couldn't believe what was in their poop... They are ready for a loving home that can teach them how to live the good life! Still learning how to walk on a leash but it's quite hard as they are so scared with humans. They will come around with tons of hugs and kisses and hopefully will soon start playing and be normal 10 week old pups!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lola our Daschund

We picked up Lola yesterday, needless to say they wouldn't do her spay as she had major dental work done and it would have been dangerous to do her spay on top. She had all her teeth removed, except 4 - poor baby. Our bill for her is over $1,100 - just for her dental and rabies. We can't afford getting her spayed in a few weeks so will either have to find a home that will take her and do her spay or find donors to help. If you can spare a few dollars, please again either drop if off to our vet - Trim Pet Hospital or send it to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9.

Yes this is definitely a cry for help!! Our sick Pebbles needs more medications, a skin scraping, blood work also needed to see if there are any underlying issues AND our poor little Lola needs to be spayed!!

Millie was spayed this Thursday with her hernia removed - that was on top of having major dental work done before x-mas and all her teeth removed. She also needs a special shampoo for "black heads" on her pads - something un-heard of but living in a filthy puppy mill will bring out the odd diseases or infections!

Thank you in advance for your support, if it wasn't for people like you - we certainly wouldn't be able to provide such services for our pets and our adoptive families. A big THANK YOU HUG from all of our pets at NARC!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trip at the vet's

Well, we were at the vet's till 9pm, way past closing time but our little princess Pebbles is really not doing so well. She just got here on Saturday with diharea, vomitting and just not keeping anything down. She is on IV Fluids tonight, send your prayers to our little girl to help her get better! She is just so sweet and deserves a very good, long life. You have to make it through Pebbles, there aren't many good little doggies such as you out there and the world needs so many more with perfect personalities! May God Bless you and keep you on this earth.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New doggies need help!

We have a few dogs that came in that we need serious financial help with. One definitely needs all her teeth pulled and cleaning on what she may have her spay, shots, definitely antibiotics, etc... 2 of them have serious skin conditions, need skin scrapings, medications and once they are fine they will go back for their spay/neuter & shots. If you can spare a few dollars, send them to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9 - we will write you an official tax receipt for next year or you can also donate to NARC through our vet - Trim Pet Hospital, corner of Innes Road and Trim Road in the strip mall besides Sobeys.

Friday, February 5, 2010

All is perfect at the funny farm!

We are all doing well, new doggies have settled in nicely and are about to get their first baths this weekend! The new house is looking great! The framing is almost done and I can't wait to move in although it will only be finished sometime in March, early April. With the new laws soon coming out, NARC is expecting to double it's numbers - this mobile home will be full of yip-yaps - can't wait to see that happen too!! Spring is around the corner, we will need help with new fencing, installing doggy trap doors, finishing the renovations in the mobile home to get ready for the many new doggies that will join us! If you know of anyone getting rid of commercial fencing, posts, cupboards, couches - let us know as we will need them come April-May - not before as we don't have the room just yet. We are all looking forward to a great year and hoping to see growth, wealth and happiness for all the doggies and volunteers that join NARC.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Finally have water - forevery we hope?

We are back up and running full force, water is on and working well. New doggies have arrived, we have water to bathe and properly care for them. It was a tough week and a half without water for the rescue and farm animals but we thank eveyrone who lugged water to us and helped in our crisis! The house is no longer as stinky Ha! Ha! We are catching up on our laundry and washing our pooches!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Business Proposition for a Veterinary

Are you a veterinary looking for a place to practice but find them too expensive to rent? We will have room very soon... If you are a vet looking to open your own shop, look no further - come meet with us and see if we can help each other out. I am sure we can figure something out such as maybe having free rent in exchange for work on our rescues - one day a week is pretty much all we need! Spay/neuter, rabies, DHPP, dental cleaning & extractions, hernia removals, microchip, etc... I am willing to invest in this if you are! Give me a call at 613-834-7005 or e-mail

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another complicated weekend

Still no water although we are working on getting it fixed. What a year, I tell ya! Hopefully everything will be OK by Wednesday!? Luckily we have good friends, volunteers, vet techs and my parents across the street which have been lugging water daily and helping out. Contractors busted a few pipes (twice), water line froze (twice due to the busted pipes), broken phone lines (twice) and now the pump wire is snapped!!! So, friends and I are fixing the lot of it - Again and Again! The phone line is now up and running so that's a bonus on it's own. Showering somewhere else every night - that's another story but hey - at least we are fine, the doggies are healthy and happy and get tons more attention from our worried volunteers/friends/family! What is there not to like but having a household full of funny furbabies and people that love and support you! I guess I can't ask for better or anything else. I was saying it was the year from hell!!?? Maybe... but then again, I'm spoiled with THE BEST OF friends and by friends that definitely means NARC's volunteers. I love you guys and don't know what I would do without you! You are my ROCK.