Monday, March 26, 2012

Looking for: Foster Homes, Plexi Glass, Ceramic Tiles, Metal Crates...

Needing foster homes from April 1st to April 14th (or longer if you want). Please contact Michelle by e-mail at or by phone after 9pm at 613-834-7005.

We are looking for plexi-glass sheets, doesn't matter the width as long as they are at least 3 ft tall and we also need more ceramic tiles to finish the renovations at NARC. Grout and Cement if you have excess of... What we could use instead of the plexi-glass is commercial fencing so if you know anyone getting rid of peices or a roll of fencing, send them our way!

We could also use metal crates of any sizes or veterinary cages would be FABULOUS!

Thank you to everyone who donated for our renovations either being time spent/volunteering at NARC, bringing tiles, etc... you are amazing and the house is looking better every day because of all of your support out there!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New dogs - update

We have quite a few new small dogs for adoption, will post pictures and updates shortly. Two beautiful male pugs names Popeye and Plutot, Malini who is a toy Yorkie who has had major dental extractions and cleaning, spay with shots is now ready for her loving home. We've also removed all of Joey's teeth - except 3, a toy Bishon who is in foster care with 3 different types of medications for his neuter, teeth extractions, anal gland flushed, etc... As per our volunteer/foster parent, he is doing very well and is now ready for his loving home. He broke my heart when I picked him up, was in our arms like a baby, his nose was bleeding a bit from his teeth extractions and he looked so pitiful - poor thing, the pain we put them through although it is for the best health in his future!

Pinnochio is a toy male Bishon, Lexus a toy male Yorkie and Maxie a toy grey Maltese who are all at the vet's today getting their much needed dental cleaning and extractions including shots. I am picking them up tonight in hopes that they aren't too much in pain poor babies.

Taz the male grey chihuahua, Scruffy the male terrier and Biskit the brindle Boston Terrier x are now neutered with shots so also ready for loving homes this weekend.

More arriving this weekend - keep looking for that special dog for your loving home!

Friday, March 2, 2012

New doggies arriving this weekend - update on others

One of our volunteers is going to the pounds and should be bringing back at least 5 doggies either today or tomorrow. Will keep you posted on breeds and personalites very shortly! All the other doggies are doing very well although yesterday it was a very costly trip to the vet's, 3 dental cleanings with major extractions. Joey, our little bishon had pretty much all of his teeth removed, only 3 lower teeth left - poor boy. On top of his neuter and anal glands flushed, he was in really bad shape when we picked him up and is now on three different medications for pain and to prevent infection due to the major extractions. Same as Malini, she had many teeth extracted, dental cleaning done on top of her spay poor little girl. She seems a bit better this morning but you can still see that she is in pain! Ratatouille had one teeth extracted and good dental cleaning done. Now to give them their antibiotics and pain medications daily for a few weeks so they get better and healthy!