Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tiles - looking good!

After caring for the dogs in the morning, letting them all go out for their business, eating and drinking...  Andy came around 11am to finish the plywood and install the tiles in the entrance, I went to home depot and used up what was left of our gift cards for tile cement.  Thank you Andy for all of your help and hard work, he certainly didn't stop all weekend and worked very hard on getting it done.  Unfortunately, we are lacking a box or two to be able to finish it all off - anyone with spare tiles?  If so, please drop them off in our donations drop box at the front of the property or if the volunteers are there and gates opened, drop them off directly at the rescue!  Almost done and it looks very colorful - keep in mind these were all donations so the entrance floor is blue, white, grey, orange, different colors but Andy did a very good job in making it look really nice and also engraving NARC at the centre with smaller tiles - wonderful work - I love it!  I will take a snap shot and share with you soon! 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Good renovation day began!

After caring for the dogs this morning, I finished moving everything out of the main entry, stored one filing cabinet in the shed and keept only the large one, moved out the fridge, washer, toys bins, leash bins, 3 dressers, our 4 large food containers, etc...  Then Andy came to help in the afternoon and we ripped out the old floor with help from Ron who popped in with Priscille for a visit which ended up in helping with renovations!  All of this in preparation to install the plywood and tiles tomorrow!  I left for diner at 7pm after being there since 8:30am while Andy installed 2 plywood sheets.  I went back later to take the dogs out one last time before bedtime and painted the the floor with mold proof stuff to help with future usage - it being our main entrance and all...  We will be back in there tomorrow bright and early for doggy breakfast and walks before they are stuck in the house while the tiles set for a few hours!  After we are done the tiles tomorrow, no more entering the NARC home for a few hours so they set properly and then we're back to our usual routine - of course on Monday is grouting so at least 2-4 hours of non-walking on the floors after that too!  Quite the adventure lol.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Join us on Saturday, July 14th

Come and see us and a few of our dogs at the Pet Value on Centrum Blvd in Orleans, the one besides Place D'Orleans.  NARC will be there from 10am to 4pm on July 14th for a show and tell and also to raise funds or donations for our rescues.  We are in need of canned goods, are accepting Canadian Tire Money to purchase supplies needed on a regular basis such as paper towels, Husky cleaning products and Javex.  We also always welcome paper journal, the non glossy ones if you wish to drop them off at NARC or at this event on Saturday, July 14th.  That being said, the NARC location will be closed that day and re-opening Sunday, July 15th from 1pm to 3pm.  Hoping to see you all there!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

One eyed Willy!?

We were called this week to see if we could take in a dog that needs his eye removed, called the vet to see how much it would cost and decided to save this little one!  That being said, we picked up a few dogs this morning including the eye surgery patient which we are thinking of naming "One Eyed Willy" from an old movie I saw when I was younger lol.  We brought home a German Sheppard puppy, a Golden Lab puppy, the Brussels One Eyed Willy, 2 Bishon Frisés and a Chihuahua.  They will be seen, spayed or neutered and given shots in the next few weeks, probably the following week as we already have One Eyed Willy booked in this week to remove his eye and hopefully Shanelle for her Patellar surgery (depending on price still waiting on) on top of 4 spay and neuters so these new guys will have to wait till the following week.  The puppies will go this week for first shots for sure then be ready for adoption after a nice bath, dewormed and multi-advantage doze.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Update at vet's

I was able to bring Sheenah back home last night, she seems to be doing well, have to feed her multiple times, soft food mixed with water for it to be very liquid and soft!  We went for a nice short walk, she seemed very happy to be back, tail wagging and sniffing everywhere.  She will stay with us over the weekend so we can give her the medications prescribed but we are looking to send her to a foster home on Monday for the 14 day waiting period before going back to the vet's to remove her stitches.  This was a major surgery so we really prefer they recover in a home environment instead of at NARC where we bring in sick doggies every week and they can transmit it to our healthy dogs who have gone through surgery.  Their immune systems are down when they are on antibiotics and have been through surgery so they are prone to catching things quickly!

We brought Prinston back to the vet's for another check-up, they prescribed another antibiotic and we are sending him to a foster home tonight for the 10 days of antibiotics to hopefully be able to adopt him out afterwards.  The vet wouldn't administer his Rabies again due to him being sick with the sniffles and kennel cough so that will hopefully be done in 10 days.

We are running out of canned dog and puppy food so if anyone has some to donate, we surely could use them or Canadian Tire Money so we can go purchase some.  We have run out of paper journal and paper towels if anyone has the "Droit", "Citizen" or any non glossy journal, please drop them off at NARC or even pee pads will do the trick!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sheenah and others at vet's

I picked up our little Pug named Ryder from the vet's after he stayed a few days on IV, he seemed quite happy to be coming home.  He ate a whole can of dog food with his medications when we got home so seems to be doing well.

Buttercup had her spay, dental cleaning and extractions and she had 2 lumps removed from her abdomen.  She will be on a few medications for some time to help with pain!  She also was very happy to see me and pleased to go home.

Sheenah seems to be doing well, she was up and giving me kisses and of course whining as I was loading the others but not her...  We left her at the vet's again tonight, maybe she will come home tomorrow or saturday - only time will tell, they will be giving her some water tomorrow to see how that goes down after her surgery.  She is on IV fluids right now with strong medications in IV.  At least she was up, they weren't sure the day before if she would make it so I was very happy when I saw she was up and complaining - always a good sign and of course a better sign is tail wagging a bit when they see me which is great.  I spent some time snuggling with her and giving her attention so she has someone to fight for!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Good People out there - THANK YOU so much

Kathy had her 30th year wedding anniversary last week to raise funds for NARC, she is the one who adopted Criole last year.  Thanks Kathy, family and friends for your donations and supporting NARC.

Vincent who adopted Deb 3 years ago came to donate some money, gas cards and my favorite a Tim Horton's card for my Ice Cap addiction - they don't know me at all now do they Ha! Ha!  Vincent - you are the best and thank you again for your contribution to help us along with our surgeries.

And finally Clementine's new adoptive family, Hoda and her husband also gave us a nice contribution which will help for next week's patellar surgery for one of our dogs!  I can't believe what you have given us and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We also have Dave from DJ Sign who has come today to start installing our new NARC sign, now people will be able to see where we are while driving by which will promote NARC to those who don't know we are here and for clients to find us easily!  Another few weeks and we will have our new sign installed at the front!

I was very emotional with Vincent this week, asked Clementine's family tonight if they were sure about their donation and am just amazed at the great people out there and their support!  I can't thank you enough - don't have words to express what I am feeling.  As you all know, this is my baby and I have and am dedicating my life to it because I know for a fact that all these beautiful creatures deserve a good life, good people and TO BE SPOILED and loved - starting here at NARC until they find homes.

Vet Emergency Operation

Last night, I brought a few dogs at the vet's for check-ups in hopes of having them spayed or neutered today and bring them home safe and sound - as I do every week for over 5 years now!  Ryder our little Pug we just took on Sunday is a bit too sick and dehydrated so we left him at the vet's on IV today.  We will see how he is doing tomorrow.

Doogie was the first to get a clean bill of health and his neuter today which was good but then came Sheenah...our great dane!  Somehow, god knows how, while under for her spay, she managed to chew the tube and swallow it, so quickly that they weren't able to stop it in time so she had to be operated on to get the tube out - open her esophagus and remove the part she swollowed.

It isn't the first time our dogs play tricks on our vets and me!  Twiggy, when she went to get re-stitched after re-opening her spay surgery, they were slowly waking her up as they always do with any dog brought in for surgery - yet, she woke up instantly, jumped off the table and ran for the door...  Thank god nothing was attached to her when she did!

Then there are others like Baltazore whom we brought for another eye test and he just wouldn't let anyone touch him so we decided to put him to sleep for a little while so we could do his dye test.  Well, mister didn't want to sleep and fought through the medications and stayed up, groogy but up - until he got home and was comfortable enough to start snoring that is.  We still managed to do the test but not as well as we would have liked and of course it took over an hour for the whole process for a 5 minute test!!!

Needless to say, Buttercup's dental cleaning with extractions and spay wasn't done today due to the last minute emergency surgery so we left her there again tonight so she can be done tomorrow.  All three are sleeping at the vet's, Sheenah for the week on IV, Ryder for a few days for dehydration and Buttercup only tonight for tomorrow's surgery!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Quiet Long Weekend

Although Saturday some volunteers came out to the rescue and a few clients to meet dogs, the rest of the weekend was really quiet, just me and my daughter.  We tried the garage sale on saturday and sunday and called it quits for Monday - too quiet and people weren't stopping in.  We'll try again next weekend if I can get a few volunteers to take care of it while I care for clients at the rescue - anyone interested please e-mail me to let me know!  We are also looking for more garage sale items to raise funds for Juliette, Monty, Shanelle and Eewok.

We also need paper towel, we are completely out!  We are still taking in empty bottles, cans for beer, wine and spirits to help with fundraising.  After the July long weekend, we are sure to get some empties in!?

Ramses is doing well, his scraped skin is healing and although he is still on antibiotics and pain medications, he was rolling in the grass this weekend so it surely isn't hurting as much.  Only 2 spots left to cream and heal properly and then he'll be growing back his hair - poor little guy!

Clementine is doing extremely well, she is a little pig who would eat everything and the kitchen sink, she has a great appetite and eats a full can in the morning and evening with a few hot dogs with her medications in them.  She also is on an antibiotic and pain medication for a few more days.

The puppies are in my basement, take a look at their picture on the website, they are so adorable and up for grabs if anyone is interested!

Iko's skin is healing, the medicated baths are helping so we will continue with them until he isn't so itchy!

I've Multi-advantaged the whole house this weekend, a few were very quiet afterwards, guess it is going through their system so once again, we are parasite free until next month!

To the vet's tonight with our new addition, a Great Dane female named Sheenah and finally Buttercup will have her dental cleaning and extractions, the equipment at the vet's was fixed so we are bringing her tonight with Bunny and Doogie who is now 6 months old and ready for his neuter.  His skin has cleared up, he is looking good, only one patch on his ear to worry about so hopefully the vet will prescribe something else to help him with that. 

We also have 2 new puppies, German Sheppard crossed with Lab, fluffy little 8 week old boys - they are too adorable.  I've posted posted pictures on our new site, have a look, as of next week this will be the NEW NARC website. - enjoy and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Funds Needed - Garage Sale Items

As you can see from our website we have a few major surgeries that we would like to be done on our dogs, Juliette, Monty and Chanelle.  We've dealt with Clementine's surgery this week and are still working on paying for Eewok's patellar surgery last month...

We also need Multi-advantage for over 50 dogs, mostly small to medium breed but some for large...  If anyone can purchase a box or has a few left overs from your own pets, we surely could us them.  We doze our dogs the first of each month to ensure we are "bug" free, it helps with fleas, demodex, worms, heartworm, etc.. so if you can help - this weekend is our next doze and usualy costs us a lot!! 

You can either send your donations to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9 or come and visit us this weekend from 1pm to 3pm to see our dogs or drop off your donations - we will also be there this Monday being that I am not working - YIPEE. 

We will have a garage sale this weekend in order to raise funds so you may also want to drop off your items, anything you no longer want - as they say... someone's junk is someone else's treasure!  We'll get the sale started around 11am to 3:30pm.

We also need Paper Towels, Mr. Clean or any cleaning products, the Husky from Cdn Tire is really good, rubber gloves, etc...  We also accept Canadian Tire Money so that we can purchase these items ourselves.  Thank you to everyone for your support with NARC - you ROCK!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vet Update

Poor Ramses, they scraped off all of his hair and skin from his back so he is recovering from that, we did a few tests to see if it was scabies or what the hell it is.... unsure, all tests came out with nothing.  He is on antibiotics, pain medications and cream to heal his wounds.

I was able to speak with the vet for Clementine and decided to leave her overnight for her spay and stone removal.  They are impossible to pass, too large and she was still bleeding from her vulva so we've decided to leave her there to get the poor girl out of her misery.  Although she is always happy, I am sure it is painful for her so we had no choice!  Luckily the vet made me a great deal and we have a nice family that is helping with her invoice - thanks guys for everything you are doing for our little Clementine!  I am sure she can't wait to move in with you after she is fully recovered next week...

Niko looks very well, he was up and barking at me when I picked him up - such a good looking guy, we are sure he'll find a home quickly although he is sometimes shy with strangers so we would prefer a quiet home for our 6 month old puppy who has already been through so much...

Hercules is also doing well, his hair on his ears and back tail will probably never grow so he looks a bit rough but he's a good dog with lots of love and attention to give.  He will now be posted as available for adoption for those of you who enjoy the Boston breed - he is approx 5 years old and ready this weekend!

Tomorrow, time for Pluto and May to have a follow up examination as they are still coughing after quite a few weeks of antibiotics - I have never seen Kennel Cough get so bad but as said before, it's really a mean cough this year!!  They are doing well, eating, drinking, running and playing but still coughing after over 3 weeks now - worrysome for sure!!!  Hopefully we will be able to find a remedy tonight...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dogs at vet's this week

Finally, I dropped off Hercules at the vet's tonight for his neuter, check-up and shots tomorrow.  Those of you who have seen Hercules (our Boston Terrier) a month ago when he arrived saw how in bad shape and extremely skinny he was...  Well, with the Oil of Oregano, Coconut Oil, lots of good food and treats, TLC and patience, he has gained and is actually now very plump!  I am sure those of you who saw him and cried over how skinny he was would be pleased, come by and see him now!

I also brought Clementine for her 2nd x-ray to see if her stones have passed, the vet wanted her overnight to do another x-ray in the morning once her bladder was full so she is staying!  From what I saw on the x-ray, seems like they can't pass - she has 2 very large - one is the size of my thumb.

Niko was also brought back to the vet's for his neuter, he gained weight while living with me and now is back at NARC for his recovery.  Not sure if you remember but we had rushed him at the vet's a few weeks ago as he was very sick, had him on IV and did 3 tests that were negative (Parvo, Coccidia, Giardia).  He recovered well from it all, no more diharea, gained weight and is strong enough for his neuter.

Ramses went back to the vet's last night as an emergency, not sure what happened - test to be done on his skin as he was flaking - the whole top of his back was coming off and infected.  The vet will care for that and give us medications for him to recover properly!

I'll update you on all of them tomorrow!

Tough weekend!

It was a complicated weekend without Hydro or water in the NARC mobile home but we managed...  Had hydro in my house but with the water connected through NARC - I didn't have water myself so couldn't provide...  Really need to get a separate system so that we never run out again!  Went to the neighbours and filled tubs to bring home so they could all have clean water to drink, some volunteers came with bottled water on Sunday to help out - thank you all for pitching in.  Finally, Hydro came this morning to fix the problem and we are back up and running after 3 days of no air conditioning, no air purifiers running and no water - YIKES!  Now we'll have to catch up in bathing the dogs and they can go back to playing in their kiddy pool now that it is clean and we will be able to clean the house properly instead of with pure javex only!  Tonight is vet night, few dogs are going in for surgeries and Clementine is going for her 2nd x-ray to see if her stones have dissipated or if she needs that surgery - cross your fingers in hopes that they are gone!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Need HELP and funds!!! URGENT!

As regularly, we brought a few dogs at the vet's yesterday for spay, neuter and check-ups.  Seems like Monty and Juliette both have Bilateral Patellar Luxation.  Juliette has already undergone surgery on her front broken leg to fix it and has just had her cast removed - now to proceed with her hind leg.  The vet did say that they are not in pain and many dogs can live with this for a long time but we really would like to have their surgeries done so that they can have a better life.  That being said, we need help and funds.... 

If you can help in any way, please send a cheque to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9.  We need over $6,000 altogether for quite a few major surgeries including Clementine's.  She has stones and if the antibiotics don't work in a few weeks, she will have to undergo surgery herself for her spay, stone removal and shots.  They also all need another x-ray, although we've done a first one, they all will need a second before surgery! 

We did go ahead and neuter Monty and give him his shots for now until we can find a solution to his problem or an adoptive family that may want to pay for his surgery!? 

Marcie the little daschund was also spayed and is on skin antibiotics, 2 teeth were removed as they were badly broken so she is also on antibiotics to prevent infection in her mouth.

Buttercup wasn't spayed or nor was her dental done as the equipment broke so she is re-scheduled for early next week to get the two done!  We brought her back to NARC till then!

Reese had his neuter done, he was cryptorchid which means he had a ball in his groin so that was a more expensive and intense surgery for him and us!  He seems fine, more damage was done to our finances lol.

Boy oh boy, just doesn't seem to stop with major surgeries and expensive treatments this year!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Doggy update

Inka is doing very well, I am sure she will find a home soon as she is quite the love bug!  She is finished her courses of antibiotics, was on a few for over a month but now very healthy, gained over 5 pounds and looking great.  She is still living with me as I don't want her to catch anything else at NARC like Kennel Cough so is house trained, very well behaved and sleeps with me at nights - she is a doll and loves to cuddle!

Oscar has survived his pneumonia and is doing extremely well, gaining weight, eating like a pig and can now bask in the sun on weekends and go on longer walks - we are no longer restraining him to quiet all day!  He is full of beans this one, you weren't able to tell that when he was sick but does he have some energy and loves to nibble at your fingers to play!  He is a great dog!

Baltazore's eye is still very itchy so he is still wearing his cone around his head so he doesn't scratch and do some damage to the surgery although it is healed and a few weeks old, we are worried he will scratch too much and hurt himself.  It is scratchy because his hair is growing around his eye - it was shaved so women out there know what I mean - it does itch when it grows back lol.  We are all in love with the big boy, even if he gave us all a hard time with his drops, he is such a love bug and great loose in at NARC with all the other dogs.  He is sweet with the toy breeds and very well behaved!  He is also trained in the house and won't do his business in his crate or inside.

Cocotte is also doing extremely well with her fixed broken lower jaw, she is eating by herself and now chewing on hot dogs and such.  She is still on soft foods and will probably remain on that for the rest of her life being that we've removed all of her teeth - except one.  But that is fine, she is now full of energy and runs around on the farm like nothing happened!  We had her out this weekend for people to see and of course for her to spend the day outside with me...  She is finished her course of antibiotics and ready to go!  She is fully house trained, lives with me and is quite a good dog.

Niko is still with me but doing well and eating/drinking quite well.  Last night, he had half a can of soft food mixed in with a cup of hard food and 3 hot dog weiners which he almost swallowed whole - quite the appetite!  Of course the few first hot dog peices were with his antibiotics and flu medications - he doesn't know that though!!!  Niko sometimes still pees in his crate but that was to be expected when he was on IV, I am working with him on his house cleanliness and will update you shortly.

Nakuuti, a little white malti-poo is still on antibiotics for a runny nose with green discharge (upper respiratory infection) she is getting better daily.  She is also house trained and won't do at NARC or in her crate - she will hold it in until she goes for her walks - good girl.  She does need a good shave and bath but I won't do it until she is feeling a bit better and gains strength.

Katou is also on eye drops and antibiotics for Kennel Cough which she caught even though we administered Bordetella - sometimes I think we're wasting our money with the Bordetella shot as they still catch it from living at the SPCA for a few days before we get them!

Well, that's it for now - updates to come later on others...  5 new doggies are going to the vet's this week for spay/neuters and check-ups and Baby's puppies are going for their first shots then up for adoption next week!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nice Weekend

What a gorgeous weekend it was, sunny and HOT - loved it although we had to do quite a rotation with the dogs as they were quite hot, even if they had the pool to freshen up in!  So, every hour we would take those that were out back in with the air conditioning and bring others out to bask in the sun for an hour!  Don't forget that we are opened for the summer from 1pm to 3pm if you want to drop in and see our dogs, help at the farm or even walk a few pooches - we are always happy to see you!  Pass the word around for those who want to come and spend a little time with our dogs - they appreciate the attention!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Update at Vet's

Maze did well with her spay and she is going back to NARC for her recovery period.  We had to rush in Niko, he has been a bit sick since we got him but was worst today, vomitting and the flu.  We had the vet put him on IV fluids with strong medications through IV and ran a few tests.  Parvo is negative, Coccidia negative and Giardia negative.  He is now with me in my home for recovery and is doing quite well, eating and drinking like a pig.  He will have to return to the vet's soon for his neuter and shots then posted for adoption.  He is very cute so will certainly go fast although he is quite shy with strangers so will need a special home with patience and hopefully a quiet environment!  He was nibbling on our fingers when we had the IV drip taken out, he certainly didn't like it!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vetting Information

Another expensive week at the vet's.  Inka got her spay and hernia removed plus her shots.  She is doing well so far, just picked them all up tonight so will keep you updated.  She was so pleased when I came back for her, they are so funny!

Pinut got her spay and shots also, she is also positive for Giardia so we have to give her medications for that for 10 days and also ensure everyone else at NARC get's a doze!  YIKES what an expensive day!

Hershey has had his neuter, dental cleaning and quite a few extractions, he is groggy but will overcome it.  He is on antibiotics so that he doesn't get an infection in his mouth and also another antibiotic for Kennel Cough.

We brought Flute back at the vet's, one of the stitches wasn't melting so we had to get it removed and they also placed her on antibiotics for a few weeks as it caused a bit of infection.

Fresca our 7 month old puppy also got spayed and shots today, she was wondering what was going on and kept looking at her belly, it took a bit of time before she realized she could pee but she finally managed.  She is such a funny gal!

And Chanelle also needed antibiotics for a runny nose and an eye infection so she is on both of these for 10 days!  She also has had all her shots, spay and check-up!

I left Maze at the vet's for her spay and shots tomorrow so will let you know how she does.

Now, not only do I have over 15 dogs on medications/antibiotics or drops, some with two meds to administer such as Chanelle, Hershey & Baltazore but now I have the whole household on pills to cure Giardia - it will be busy in the mornings before work - let me tell ya!  Those donated hot dogs will dissapear very quickly Ha! Ha!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Update at the farm

Sorry for not blogging the last few days, I've been bed ridden - yep, something as stupid as tying the dog outside and moving too quickly while doing it and I hurt my back!  Well, back to work today and back to blogging and updating all of you.

Oscar our little Schnauzer is doing so well, his pneumonia is healed although he still has leftover antibiotics for this week that we are finishing and his last vet check-up tonight.  Then we'll be able to get him fixed and place him up for adoption!  He is now playfull, was nipping at my fingers this morning to play and has quite the energy after being ill for a few weeks time and on IV with strong meds at the vet's for 2 days...

Inka is finally going to the vet's tonight for her spay and hernia removal then she has a home lined up for Sunday.  I don't know how I will be able to say goodbye, her and Cocotte were my partners for the last 3 days while I was in bed and watching movies quietly with me!

Cocotte is now eating by herself, grabbing food with her fixed broken bottom jaw without issues at this point which is amazing, she is also gaining weight and looking great.  I can't leave her off leash anymore as she is quick - the little bugger and wants to check out everything so I am now putting her in the play pen outside to do her business!  She is way too quick for me right now as I am walking like a grandma - no offence grams lol!  She is ready to go, her spay healed nicely and so is her jaw and dental extractions!

Baltazore is still not liking his drops but the girls have been helping me out this week as I wasn't able to fight with him to get them in myself!  He is now ready for adoption, will bring him to the vet's for one last check-up to see if all is well then off he goes to his loving home.  We've gotten many calls for the big boy so if our vet gives us thumbs up this week, we are sure he will be gone this weekend!

The others that were on antibiotics such as Sheeba, Carlos are doing very well, their neuters are healing and the kennel cough now gone.  Our little princess Clementine still has a week's worth of antibiotics for her stones so we are hoping they work otherwise it is surgery for her!  We have a new 5 month old puppy with skin conditions, she doens't have a name yet but we'll find one soon.  She is on skin infection antibiotics for a few weeks, then another vet check.. we've tested for scabies but it's thankfully negative so thinking it is some type of allergies, more tests and we'll find out what is wrong.

We've received a few new doggies this weekend.  The 5 month old Springer Spaniel x Collie which has the skin allergies, a toy Chihuahua who will certainly leave very quickly once he is neutered and his kennel cough goes.  He was on antibiotics for 10 days but still coughing a bit.  For some reason this year's Kennel Cough is really bad...  May is still on her second antibiotic for her coughing and although it's reducing, it is taking them a long time to heal properly!!!  We always get dogs with Kennel Cough from the SPCA's but usually after a week at the farm, with the Oil of Oregano, it goes away but this year - everyone has needed antibiotics...  Keep an eye out for that for your own pets, don't take your pets in areas where Kennel Cough resides as it is really bad cases this year - enough so that even dogs with the Bordetella (shot against Kennel Cough) still end up with it!

You will see bios and pictures of the new dogs on our website soon!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oscar is doing well

Picked up Domingo from the vet's after his neuter last night, he's doing well but I wanted to talk more about Oscar.  After a few days at the vet's on IV and stronger antibiotics, he is now feeling much better and eating like a pig as he used to.  We are keeping him on the medications for at least 10 days with a follow up later next week at the vet's to see how things are going.  Hopefully by then, he will have gained a few much deserved pounds, he came in so skinny it is incredible what people do to their dogs...  Then, if he is well and strong enough after the 10 days of meds, he will undergo his surgeries including dental cleaning!

Inka is ready to be spayed and get that huge hernia removed, if she is feeling as good next week - such as she is this week, she is going back to the vet's next Wednesday to have her 2 surgeries done, will keep her at my house for her recovery then find her a loving forever home. 

Cocotte is also doing very well, has more spunk and is running around at the farm!  She is eating very well, gaining the much needed weight and is ready for adoption as long as that adoptive family brings her back to our vet's in 1.5 months to remove the metal pins they placed in her lower jaw!  She too is living with me so house trained and used to being in a home!

As for Baltazore, well I think we can all agree that we are all very anxiously waiting for the day that the vet says he can stop his eye drops Ha! Ha!  I have a family lined up for him but won't release him until I get the thumbs up from my vet and of course it certainly wouldn't be fair to his new family if I were to hand him over when I know he gives us a hard time for his eye drops!  He is such a great boy though, such a lovely giant who loves to be loved and listens quite well - EXCEPT the moment he sees the drop almost hit his eye Ha! Ha! 

Buddha, Carlos, Clementine, Sheeba are so easy to pill in the morning and night - hot dogs are great for that - gobble gobble everyone...  

We will be needing more Medical Urinary canned and bagged food for Clementine if anyone wishes to make a donation of that kind...  We also need paper towels and cleaning products (Husky or Mr. Clean), we are almost running out!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Vet Update

I checked up on Oscar today when I picked up the others, he was up, tail wagging at me and now eating which is great but I left him for another day on IV to make him stronger. Will go again tomorrow to see how he is doing and if he is coming back to NARC with his antibiotics. This boy was on Baytrill for a whole week last week but it didn't seem to be helping much so we are trying stronger meds throuogh IV - so far so good and he is responding well...

Buddha had his neuter today with Rabies and DA2PP shots. Our vet called this morning to ask if he could do a dental, said he would need it with an extraction so we went forward with that. He had 1 tooth removed so now he is on clinacin for a week to help him not get an infection in his mouth after his dental cleaning and extraction.

Sheeba, our little Miniature Pincher also had his neuter and Rabies shot, he is on Clavamox for a week to help with his healing and Kennel Cough.

Carlos our 6 month old Springer Spaniel has been neutered today, he also is going to be on antibiotics for a week to help him heal.

And last but not least, I left Domingo at the vet's for his neuter tomorrow with shots.

AND of course fought with Baltazore to get his drops in his eyes all night.  Gave meds to the others that need them such as Cocotte, Inka, Carlos, Sheeba, Buddha and Clementine.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Well, I should have called Baltzore either Bronco or Rodeo Ha! Ha!  We had an appointment at the vet's tonight as a follow up to his eye surgery; while also dropping a few others for their neuters with shots and also bringing our sick Oscar to be placed on IV for a few days with strong antibiotics...  Our boy just wouldn't have it - Baltazore just didn't want the vets to play with his eye - there was no question about it and he certainly didn't want his dye test - OH NO!  Well, needless to say we had to sedate him and even then, he fought that very hard and we still argued with him - 4 of us, while I'm almost lying on him with my body weight and he still managed to move his head around and give us an hour of hard time!  Boy oh Boy - we finally managed but I asked our vet if there was anything to help with his itchiness so they gave him an injection so hopefully tomorrow, every 2 hours, when I have to put drop in his eyes... he will behave??  Hee! Hee!  Annie will be stuck doing this during the day, I will do my morning runs before work as usual then she takes over till I get home and I will do the evening and night shift - wish us luck!  He did manage to finally kinds fall asleep - in the car on the way home BUGGER!  But then woke up suddently the moment I stopped the car and was tail wagging when he saw the NARC mobile home...

Children helping NARC

Again tonight we had someone drop off donations, canadian tire money and paper towels from the group of kids at the daycare named "Centre Educatif sur un Nuage".  Thank you so much children, it is small people like you who will hopefully emerge as our next rescue organizations in the future!  We love you and are sending you big hugs and kisses from all the doggies here at NARC!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend at the farm

Yep, you guessed it - MUDDY dogs and rain, rain, rain.  We'd take out all the dogs and then have to rush them in due to pouring rain then oops here comes the sun so let's take them all out again and not even an hour after, rush them in from the rain again!  What a weekend!  New dogs have arrived, quite adorable - Male Min Pincher, 2 female tiny Daschunds, 2 beagles, lab, Shih-Tzu's, etc... although one Daschund won't be available for some time, she is on medications for kidney stones, x-ray was done but if antibiotics don't work, she will have to foregoe the surgery and her spay at the same time - poor girl and she's so adorable!  Find updates on our website of the new dogs that arrived this week!

After a few cans of different kinds of dog food, I finally managed to find something that Cocotte can and will eat - other than hot dogs!  She is now eating Wellness ninety-five percent beef!  She is such a cutie even though she is always licking due to the fact that she has no teeth left, she will in time stop and be normal again.  That is, once her lower broken jaw sets and is properly healed.

Inka is also doing fabulously well, she has fattened up and is looking amazing, her leg and back have healed and new hair is slowly growing - she is a doll!  Another week and her antibiotics are done and off she goes to the vet's again for her spay and hernia removal!

Baltazore is giving me a very hard time for his eye drops, one drop for his forehead, one for his chin, one for me then finally I get his eye - he really sees it coming and moves at the last minute - he is so big that it's not like I can restrain him like a small doggy!  Oh well, I'm managing Ha! Ha!

Twiggy is mad at us, you can tell from her eyes, she is giving us the look about not liking her Cone and being crated for long periods of time - too bad little girl, you are going to heal properly this time, no more chances and I am not paying a third time for stitches.  She is also sometimes pooping in her crate when she usually doesn't - just to piss us off but it AIN'T working gal!  Although, she is eating her canned goods very well in hopes that she gains a few pounds, especially now since she isn't very active!!

So, all that being said, it was still a nice weekend with the doggies and new ones we've already fallen in love with!  We will need help with Clémentine, the new merle brown daschund for her surgeries, preparing in advance that the antibiotics may not work - as per the vet's!  She is also on Medical canned food only to help her with them passing the stones!

I have the pictures, just need the time to upload them on the website.  Also working on our new website which will hopefully be available very shortly for your perusal!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Cocotte & Things needed

In all of this, I did forget to mention that Cocotte's lower jaw was broken so she has a wire now to help put her jaw together so she can eat properly and help the bone to heal back together!  She is eating hotdogs and the vet called last night to say he reviewed the x-rays with a specialist and that I need to check to make sure the jaw is working properly.  So far so good, she is eating and drinking like a regular doggy!

WE NEED:  Financial help, those surgeries and tests we are getting done cost an arm and a leg, we really need your support to be able to take these poor dogs in and continue with our work.

Even bringing a few packages of hot dogs - we use them to give the dogs their antibiotics, some are meals if the dog won't eat anything else - that is helping!

Gift cards at Pet Stores, Giant Tiger, Canadian Tire Money, Home Depot any store where we can buy some supplies such as chains, fencing, cleaning supplies, etc... would also help us on the maintaing part of NARC.

We are out of Husky cleaning products, rubber gloves, javex is on the low side and CANNED PUPPY or DOG Food...  We have a few skinny minies we need to fatten up and are almost out of canned goods.  They really like the ceasar's or Science Diet.

Thank you to those who support us, if it wasn't for all of you out there - we certainly wouldn't be able to have those major surgeries done and many dogs would be euthanized...  A HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart and of course kisses and hugs from our rescues!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Doggy Update

Cocotte came back home last night after a few days at the vet's on IV with strong medications and is now on antibiotics so she doesn't get an infected mouth after having all of her teeth pulled out - except one!  Poor little girl, that and her spay with shots, it was quite the ordeal.  We had Joey last month that went throught the same surgeries and although he was sad looking for a few days - he is fully healed and homed now!  She is living with me and Inka for a few weeks while recovering, making sure she eats plenty to fatten up.

Inka is doing so well, she sometimes still gets cold and a bit feverish but otherwise is a very happy little girl, sleeping with me every night - she is such a good dog!  Another week of antibiotics, follow-up at the vet's and hopefully we will be able to get that hernia repaired and her spayed!  She is gaining very well, of course she is eating hot dogs, baloney, the chicken strips with bbq sauce are her favorites and she gets over 15 of those daily and her canned puppy food.

Baltazor will be posted on the website, hopefully tonight if I have time, he has had his cherry eye surgery and neuter.  For an excited puppy and goofy dog, he was very quiet last night on our way home!  Big buy like that and such a big suck...  He has a few different kinds of drops for his eyes in order to heal and is booked on Monday at the vet's for a follow up to his surgery.

Twiggy had to be re-stitched - idiot dog...  Keeps scratching with her hind legs, not sure how she manages to contort her body in such a way to be able to scratch that way - but she does so we are watching her full-time to ensure she doesn't bust her stitches again!  Hopefully she learnt her lesson and won't want to go back to the vet's a 3rd time!  Usually when dogs wake up from surgery, they are quiet and groggy - her???  She jumped right off the table and ran to the front door - such a big goof but we love her.  She ate her full can yesterday and this morning, we are still trying to fatten her up, in hopes that the spay will help but she needs to be kept quiet to recover and also gain a few pounds!

If you can help with Science Diet canned puppy or dog food - that would be great!  We have quite a few dogs on it right now to try to fatten them up.  For those that have had major dental work such as Cocotte - we would rather have Ceasar's for them as it is mushier!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cocotte & others

Well, Cocotte was dropped off at the vet’s last night, placed on IV, drawn blood for blood work and given antibiotics through IV. She went through her surgeries today, all her teeth were removed except one and she also had her spay done while under! We left her at the vet’s for another night’s stay on IV and stronger antibiotics through IV but are to take her home tomorrow. We need financial help for this little girl also, her bill is extremely high!

Inka is doing very well, she is still not strong enough to undergo her spay and hernia removal with shots but overall she is a happy girl and just the most adorable little girl. Although, she really doesn’t want to leave my side unless I crate her, then she is good in her crate but otherwise will wait at the bathroom door or won’t go out to do her business unless I walk out of the house with her. You can tell she was never given that much attention and is now worried I will dissapear on her!  Another we need financial help for especially since we have more things to get done for her!

Baltazore is at the vet’s and will undergo his cherry eye surgery tomorrow incuding his neuter and shots and Twiggy is back at the vet’s for having ripped her stitches open so she is going back under to get stitched back up. Guess she needs a cone for longer this time around! Although, not sure what we’ll do with her hind legs, may have to give her a smalle crate as she got her stitches by scratching her belly with her hind legs – she is quite flexible that one!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Update at NARC

Inka is now doing better, eating very well - everything but the kitchen sink although she needs it to fatten up.  She loves Hot Dogs and Balony which is awsome as we put her pills in a peice of hot dog so it's very simple!  She had her first day without fever on Sunday and so far so good - still has a normal temperature.  She is gaining, running outside for short periord at a time (wouldn't want her to over do it) and is such a sweet girl, she follows me everywhere!  She slept in my bed for the first time last night, finally her vulva is no longer leaking pink gewy stuff so she is finally able to be a normal house dog!

Cocotte:  She was dropped off at the vets as an emergency tonight.  She is a new dog we've just received with the blackest teeth I have ever seen, some loose and all need pulling!  Wasn't eating much, drinkin OK but certainly needs all of her teeth removed.  We brought her at the vet's tonight and he is keeping her for the week on IV fluids with strong antibiotics through IV, will do blook work such as we did with Inka to see if her liver and all is working fine and then proceed with the removal of all her teeth, her spay and shots.  Another girl we need financial help with ASAP!

We also have Baltazore that is going in for surgery for cherry eye, his neuter and shots - we are dropping him off tomorrow. 

Disney is another that has been on antibiotics for a week who is returning to the vet's for a follow up this week!

If you can help with any of our dogs, please sponsor them and either send your donations to NARC at 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9 or go directly to our veterinarian, Blackburn Animal Hospital to put money towards this week's invoice!

All in all, in the last few weeks, we've been bringing 11 dogs weekly at the vet's.  Mostly new dogs that have arrived with issues such as Inka & Cocotte with her bad teeth but always need financial help to ensure they are properly taken care of and of course it's always immediate care needed here at NARC!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Doggy Walkathon - October 13th - Reserve NOW!

Promote your company at our Doggy Walkathon on October 13th.  Call to reserve a spot and set up a display table or tent! Great big lot with 250 feet frontage space right on Navan Road between 10th Line Road and Trim Road. Tons of cars driving by, great publicity so get your roadside spot today!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Coming SOON!

We are working on our new website with integrated blog, more information and easier read...  We are hoping to be able to give you the link so you can have a sneak peak, I know you are curious!!  Right now it is a work in progress and will be changing quite a bit in the next month until it is ready and active!  Alhtough the sneak peak coming soon is so that we have your insights and suggestions!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inka is getting better - need more funds to help her further

Even after years of rescuing, spending thousands of dollars on neglected dogs, I still don't get how someone could not feed their dog!?  Inka came in pregnant, although we were told she was a male un-altered... everyone makes mistakes but this one is quite big considering she was underweight during pregnancy and actually due in a few days!!  Not that they could have done much to help with the malnutrition part being that she did give birth a few days after we picked her up but...  We had to rush her to the emergency with her puppies which we were feeding every few hours by bottle as they were born mal-nourished, skinny, cold (yes, they were litterally cold to the touch!) and way too underweight to start up their new life!  Inka was completely matted and when we groomed her the day she arrived, we found she had quite a few bloody patches underneath all those matts.  She needed medical attention for her fever, bloody patch, whole in hind leg, dehydration, mal-nutrition and the list goes on!  She was placed on IV for a few days with strong medications through IV.  She was such a strong little girl, I strongly believe and know by experience with the many sicklings we receive that when they have someone to love them, they will fight for their lives!  As long as they have someone by their sides, kissing, speaking sweet words, massaging, etc...  I spent a few days checking her IV drip, giving her antibiotics that were prescribed by our vet, putting medicated cream on her bloody patches and force feeding her!  Inka is now doing better, she has not pulled through completely yet but we have faith that she will...  She is going for short walks at the farm without other pets around to get her too excited, living in my home until she has gained the much deserved weight and her fever completely goes.  She also had the flu, infection in her vulva and needed 5 stitches on her hind leg.  All in all, she is worth all the time, effort, money placed into her, she is such a loving little girl who actually tells her story to family and friends when she meets them!  Yet, this is not all, we also need to raise funds to get her spayed, get her shots updated when the time is right - hopefully in a months time when she is fully recovered from all the drama and pain she has been put through.  I'm not only talking about physical pain but mental pain too by loosing all of her puppies at once and crying trying to find them.  Some of you out there may think dogs don't have feelings but I can prove you otherwise, they do cry such as humans and do feel such as we do... You know, if you can't care for your pet, why are you getting one in the first place?  She can't speak for herself so I am her voice today, she suffered terribly for no reason other than neglect and it just repulses me to know there are people out there that actually don't care and are placing dogs such as her, perfect little creatures who want to please and adore you - through all of this.  Lets all send our little Inka our best wishes so that she becomes a strong and healthy dog and then that she finds the perfect home who will spoil her rotten so that she never sees or feels pain again!  I love you Inka and I will stand by your side through all of this!    

Thursday, May 17, 2012

We are at Bark & Fitz this weekend

Come meet us at Bark & Fitz, we were just invited to set up a kiosk and bring dogs!  Will be sending volunteers between 10-5pm on Sunday and 9am to 6pm on Saturday, trying to get volunteers to attend tomorrow between 9am - 8pm.

Inka has had her puppies

Our beautiful little Inka has been through her rough times and has had 5 puppies.  It was tough for her, she gave birth to her first puppy at around 5pm on Tuesday and the last one came mid day Wednesday - poor thing!  Last night, she was exhausted and wouldn't even come with me for a quick walk.  I had to bring the food and water bowl to her in order for her to eat and drink but it's understandable - she must be quite exhausted!  When we got Inka on Saturday afternoon, she was completely matted so we started giving her a good shave so she would be comfortable once giving birth - we knew the pups were coming within a few days time.  We didn't want to stress her too much being a new environment AGAIN, but didn't want to leave her like that...  She still needs a better groom but the worst is done, enough to make her comfortable while giving birth to her little ones.  In approx another week, once she has gained her strength and her pups are bigger, we will give her a nice bath and finish her groom.  For now, she is resting in the quietness of a foster home with her new babes!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Information at the farm

Thank you to everyone who came to Boston Pizza last night in support to our cause - it is greatly appreciated.  I was there having diner with my daughter, friend and volunteer and saw quite a few invoices in our box, can't wait to see how much we have raised!

We have a pregnant female Shih-Tzu due any day now, we've named her Inka and she is resting in my home for the duration of her term and till the puppies are big enough!

Baby is doing very well with her 6 puppies, they are now a little over a week and all too cute!  She too is in a foster home untill her pups are big enough...  We are taking in applications for the puppies if you are interested, there are 4 females and 2 males.  NO, we don't know who the father is and NO, we don't know what breed he is either - she was found as a stray so YES they are surely mixed breed puppies but then again so is baby and others at NARC!  Fill the adoption questionnaire from our website under downloads and e-mail it in stipulating you want one of baby's puppies!  At 8 weeks old, we will meet everyone on the same day, at the same time and all 6 pups will be homed that day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Wow- What a Clean-up!

A Huge Thank you to everyone who came today from Keller Williams Ottawa Realty to help with our yearly clean-up and major project in turning one of our trailers into a NARC store and of course for giving some loving to our pooches. Wow, what an amazing group, 30 brokers showed up ready to work and take on the challenging duties. Thank you from all of us at NARC for taking on this project and helping at the farm, it is greatly appreciated!

Pictures are already posted on our new website, WHAT?  Yep, new NARC website coming up shortly!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Boston Pizza Orleans is on Monday

Don't forget to come join us for diner on Monday, May 14th between 5-9pm and also put your invoice in the drop off box at the reception desk so NARC can get the 10% donation from Boston Pizza!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby has had her puppies

She gave birth to 6 beautiful puppies last night, starting around 11pm and finishing this morning at 5:30pm.  I'm sure she kept my foster mom up and worried all night but surely it was worth every minute!  We will be posting Baby on the website soon, she came in approx 3 weeks ago, already pregnant so we are now keeping her until her pups reach 8 weeks of age.  They will be homed at 8 weeks and she will be spayed, etc.. then homed.  Baby is a terrier, very petite little girl and so adorable.  Not sure what her babes are mixed of, will be hopefully able to tell in a few weeks.  Congrats Baby on your new little family!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boston Pizza Fundraising Event

Pass the word on to friends and family members that enjoy a good pizza. Boston Pizza in Orleans is giving NARC 10% of our guests receipts - only those leaving their receipts in the NARC drop box at the Host stand after dining. This will take place Monday, May 14th, 2012 from 5pm to 9pm. Enjoy diner while raising funds to help our pooches - that is wonderful! I will certainly be dining there that evening - see you all there!

Monday, April 16, 2012

See what a few clients are saying about our dogs!

Have a look at what a few clients are saying about our pooches. You too can post your story about NARC or any other rescue in Ottawa! Enjoy your reading!

Pass it along!

Have a look at this site and pass it along!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Looking for: Foster Homes, Plexi Glass, Ceramic Tiles, Metal Crates...

Needing foster homes from April 1st to April 14th (or longer if you want). Please contact Michelle by e-mail at or by phone after 9pm at 613-834-7005.

We are looking for plexi-glass sheets, doesn't matter the width as long as they are at least 3 ft tall and we also need more ceramic tiles to finish the renovations at NARC. Grout and Cement if you have excess of... What we could use instead of the plexi-glass is commercial fencing so if you know anyone getting rid of peices or a roll of fencing, send them our way!

We could also use metal crates of any sizes or veterinary cages would be FABULOUS!

Thank you to everyone who donated for our renovations either being time spent/volunteering at NARC, bringing tiles, etc... you are amazing and the house is looking better every day because of all of your support out there!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New dogs - update

We have quite a few new small dogs for adoption, will post pictures and updates shortly. Two beautiful male pugs names Popeye and Plutot, Malini who is a toy Yorkie who has had major dental extractions and cleaning, spay with shots is now ready for her loving home. We've also removed all of Joey's teeth - except 3, a toy Bishon who is in foster care with 3 different types of medications for his neuter, teeth extractions, anal gland flushed, etc... As per our volunteer/foster parent, he is doing very well and is now ready for his loving home. He broke my heart when I picked him up, was in our arms like a baby, his nose was bleeding a bit from his teeth extractions and he looked so pitiful - poor thing, the pain we put them through although it is for the best health in his future!

Pinnochio is a toy male Bishon, Lexus a toy male Yorkie and Maxie a toy grey Maltese who are all at the vet's today getting their much needed dental cleaning and extractions including shots. I am picking them up tonight in hopes that they aren't too much in pain poor babies.

Taz the male grey chihuahua, Scruffy the male terrier and Biskit the brindle Boston Terrier x are now neutered with shots so also ready for loving homes this weekend.

More arriving this weekend - keep looking for that special dog for your loving home!

Friday, March 2, 2012

New doggies arriving this weekend - update on others

One of our volunteers is going to the pounds and should be bringing back at least 5 doggies either today or tomorrow. Will keep you posted on breeds and personalites very shortly! All the other doggies are doing very well although yesterday it was a very costly trip to the vet's, 3 dental cleanings with major extractions. Joey, our little bishon had pretty much all of his teeth removed, only 3 lower teeth left - poor boy. On top of his neuter and anal glands flushed, he was in really bad shape when we picked him up and is now on three different medications for pain and to prevent infection due to the major extractions. Same as Malini, she had many teeth extracted, dental cleaning done on top of her spay poor little girl. She seems a bit better this morning but you can still see that she is in pain! Ratatouille had one teeth extracted and good dental cleaning done. Now to give them their antibiotics and pain medications daily for a few weeks so they get better and healthy!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Few items needed - laundry tubs wanted

NARC is in need of a few items such as rubber gloves, comet, paper towels and Husky Cleaning Products. We are also looking for 3 laundry tubs, preferably in stainless steel but as you all know, we aren't picky and will take your old plastic laundry tub as a wash bassin for our pooches! I donated 2 air exchangers to NARC and am now collecting Canadian Tire Money to be able to purchase another good quality air exchanger - send us your Canadian Tire Money and help us better the air quality for our volunteers and of course our pooches who live there 24 hours a day! We thank you in advance for all of your help and what you do for NARC, so many great people out there who believe in us and what we are trying to accomplish. It is because of you that NARC is where it is and growing daily!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Foster Homes needed soon!

We are looking for foster homes from January 28th to February 18th. If you know of anyone wanting to foster a dog for NARC, let us know. Pass the word around!