Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tractor & doggy update

My neighbour was so so so nice to fix not only my new mower but the old one too so we have a running tractor for the parades YIPEE. He also said he may have a little wagon for us so we could pull a few kids with puppies or something at the parade! Now we need volunteers to come and paint the old orange tractor and give it the "NARC" touch. Make it look fun and ensure it attracts people's eyes! We'll need to get lettering to paint NARC and our website, maybe phone number too - ideas people now is the time to come up with them. Louise here at work said she will fix the seat and figure something out in brown, with ears at the back so that will be fun looking!

Page is still driving me crazy, she is a very strong dog, I've put patio stones on top of patio stones so that she doesn't get under the mobile home and yet - there she is again, night after night, when I get home from work I get dirty and pissed off for having to crawl under the trailer and get her pups back on their comfortable bed IN THE HOUSE! There always has to be the ONE doggy who knows how to push your buttons Ha! Ha! Anyways, they are doing well and she is still too cute and sweet to get way too mad at...

Miley's puppies had visitors, all the neighbours came to greet them and pet them, they now know my voice and when I come in they all run to greet me - just too adorable. She too had me working hard, was doing the same as Page (in the same trailer) so we moved her to the barn but not before having to muck the biggest stall in there for a whole day to get it all sparkling clean for Mom and Pups.

Well, I have new muscles now and my body is aching from head to toe from lifting tiles, mucking manure, planting flowers, mowing the very very tall grass since we just got all of our mowers back this week - it's been quite the hard working week but I FEEL GREAT! OK a bit tired but still GREAT! The new garden around the pond is looking wonderful, can't wait to see it next year when the baby plants are full grown and produce thicker/wider foliage!

Bring on the perennials, plants, shrubs - if you have them, we will take them and finish our pond garden, to give you an idea, we are planting around a pond that is approximately 200 ft each side and 20-30 feet at the ends so it's a big pond and we need perennials big time! The bridge is another story and we will soon start working on fixing it - only when the grass around it is finally mowed as it's hard to access it right now!

I guess that's it otherwise I will be writing a book - talk to you all soon!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun day at the farm!

Well, I'm having issues with Page, gosh she's driving me crazy but she's just to gorgeous to stay mad at her. She keeps getting loose by digging under her trailer, running around on the farm and always moving her pups under the trailer in the dirt... It wasn't too pleasant this morning to kneal in the mud after the rain, to reach out for puppies who are all muddy! At least Carole was here and able to see all her cutie puppies, from afar as Page wouldn't let her near but it still helped me by not having Page in my face while getting them out from under the trailer! I've hopefully fixed the problem with patio stones so she quits digging - what is it with large breed dogs and digging!? Miley used to do the same thing so we had to move her from that trailer too!

The 2 black lab pups seem fine, we named them Ariel and Maui although I am not sure about Maui, he seems a bit week today, let's hope they don't have Parvo! Yep, they come from that particular pound so we are worried...again!

We named the beagles Goyen and Aliah, they are very very sweet and adorable, Goyen the male always has his full tongue sticking out, he is quite funny and became really soft after his bath!

Troy still has a bare back, we will have to bring him to the vet's again and figure out something, he is doing much better now that his dental cleaning is done, eating very well but we are still worried about the hair loss! Plus he still needs to get neutered.

Bear is doing very well, his gash on his head is healing, although he still doesn't like that cone of his, too bad as we don't want him to scratch at his stitches. We will give him the much needed and deserved bath hopefully tomorrow and see if it's time to take those stitches out!

The puppy mill dogs, Bonnie & Clyde are still shy with strangers and won't let anyone approach them but they are coming around with me which is good. Bonnie won't let me caress her but she will come and get treats from my hand now which is pretty amazing!

That's it for now folks, talk soon!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Doggy Walkathon - Sept 12th in Kingston

This year, we have been invited by KHS (Kingston Humane Society) to their 12th Annual Pledge Walk and Day in the Park. We will need a few volunteers to come with us so if you want to join, please let us know. It is September 12th at the Lemoine Park in Kingston, registration starts at 10am and walk begins at 11am. The daily events are till 3pm so join us for a day of fun in Kingston - time for a joy ride to Kingston and fun filled day with us and other rescues! We have been helping KHS for a few years now, taking in their dogs when they have no space left so help us and them by joining this fun activity. We know it's a bit far but make it a road trip and have fun with it! NARC's property is not ready to hold events this year with the new construction and debris everywhere so we have opted to tag along with KHS - hoping to see many of you there!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quite the day!

Well, guess everyone felt the earth quake today... We were worried the mobile home wouldn't be standing but it was fine although a few items had fallen and the dogs seemed a bit spooked! Just have to get used to the concept of having a home on blocks, guess they are stronger than what I thought they were...

Page gave birth to her little ones on Monday, they are all black and just too adorable, see below pictures.

Mika's pups are just too cute, see pictures below of my daughter holding them while I take snap shots!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Busy Busy - need fosters for Black Labs

We rushed to two pounds today to pick up doggies in need and of course took them off death row. From one pound on our way to Montreal we took 2 gorgeous puppies, look like black labs, very sweet. The other pound in Montreal we took in 2 beagles, male & female, little femals was devocalised poor thing although her male counterpart is certainly sharing his voice enough for both - yup, certainly a pure beagle! We are working with him on that and in a few days he will be a non barker such as the rest here at NARC.

Miley's pups are just gorgeous and getting fatter every minute, their eyes are opened now and they are crawling everywhere, too cute for words. We gave them their first dewormer this weekend and all seems to be well with Miley and her babes.

Page hasn't given birth yet but she is getting fatter by the minute, certainly is harder to run around with that big belly of hers, we are anticipating her birthing soon and can't wait to see how many she has!

Bear always seems to be trying to scratch his head off, we have to watch him every minute as we don't want him to pull his stitches off. He has a cone on and he really doesn't like that... Was panting all day and night the first time we had it on him, it really stressed him out but he is getting used to it now - no choice Bear - we don't want infection in that head surgery of yours!

Yep - we have our hands full and getting fuller every day. We had to turn down another 10 dogs this week so if you do want to foster for us - let us know, now is the time and we need you as we are out of space yet have many in need of our help! Call us NOW if you can take a larger doggy, Black Labs mostly into your home for us!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Page is pregnant!

Well, needless to say we had postponed Page's spay the week prior due to the lack of funds and last week due to Bear's tumor removal. That being said, after 2 weeks of postponing her spay, we now see that she is very pregnant and due any day now! Tonight or tomorrow she will give birth to her little ones, she is already showing all the signs of birthing. We saw she was a bit on the fatty side but were hopeful that she had just been fed very very well - not the case at all Ha! Ha! We'll keep you posted on how many babes she has, so far she is doing very well and is just as adorable as ever!

Friday, June 11, 2010

BBQ was very pleasurable!

Our BBQ at the Westboro BMO was a lot of fun today and I think, speaking for myself and all our volunteers that we all enjoyed it, I know I sure did! I haven't counted our profits yet but am sure it's over $400, enough to cover Bear's surgery YIPEE! We met a lot of new people and of course their doggies so overall a very good event and a very beautiful day! We brought Maho and Bennie, they did a very good job today and were really good boys for everyone they met. Of course they also had a Hot Dog and enjoyed every bite! Maho is going to make a family very happy, he surely won't be with us long as he was just too good today to be left at a rescue! Thank you everyone who stopped by, ate or donated and hoping to see you all again soon.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Join us Friday at the Westboro BMO BBQ for NARC

Hey all,

We will be at the Bank of Montreal in Westboro on Friday from 11am to 3pm with a few doggies, information on NARC and ready to answer any questions that come our way. BMO has invited us to set up a BBQ in front of the bank, all proceeds going to NARC. It's time to join us for a Hot Dog or Burger. There is a raffle at the bank for those interested in buying tickets. Come one, come all, spread the word and let's make this a fun filled day!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6am wake up call

Yup, we have a new addition that does the "cockadoodledoo" at 6am. You guess it, a rooster has made it's way to NARC and now has his forever home here with us. See pictures below of our new addition...

Bear our newly matted arrival yesterday had 4 of us working on him today for quite a few hours but he is certainly looking less fat and very good. We are sure he is feeling better as he is now sound asleep! He had trouble walking due to his matted legs and paws but he seemed fine on his last walk which is great. He is a boy! We weren't totally sure as it was just a big ball of matts but now that he is shaved short, we found out he's a boy Ha! Ha!

Miley and her 12 puppies are doing well. Yes, I miscounted and there are actually 12 little ones! Less freaky than 11 as it was starting to worry me!!! (For those who don't know why, Moxie had her 11 pups just before our house fire so it was just too wierd for me to handle!).

That's it for now, going shopping for my house and then back again to play with the pooches - love it! Talk to you all soon and will post pictures tonight of our new Rooster and of course Bear with his new groom.

Thanks girls for helping me with Bear's groom - I know we work hard and this was certainly a very hard task and really, I don't know what I would do without all of your support! Oh I know! I'd still be grooming till midnight - that's what I would be doing without your help Ha! Ha! Ha!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


See below pictures of Miley's very adorable puppies AND our new arrival...

Gosh, fully matted, stinky and a huge growth on his forehead. We need help for his surgery this week so if you can spare some moulah, send it to NARC, 4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9. Of course this is the before picture, when he arrived tonight... we started with the groom as he had things stuck in his hair!!! Can't believe this was a release at an SPCA, that means someone was living with this dog and just left him like that!?!?!? We named him Bear as this is exactly what he looked like when he arrived, full of shavings stuck in his matted hair, tape - not sure why tape was on this dog but not even sure what else we will find once we finish his grooming!!! We gave up after over 2 hours of shaving and will finish the rest tomorrow once all the batteries are charged again. Of coure we have to shave him very short but it will grown back healthy and he will fell 100% better - that's for sure...

New doggies

Cute and friendly new doggies have arrived. A year old Boston Terrier male named Rudy, a 6 year old male Yorkie named Sushi, a 6 year old male Shih-Tzu named Maho and two puppy mill dogs, Shih-Tzu's, one female and one male approx 5-6 years old.

Of course the puppy mill doggies are a bit afraid and we have yet to find them names but they will come around. At least their tails started to wag today which is a very good sign.

Oh and Miley is doing great and so are her pups - really too cute for words. Will take pictures of the lot and add them to the blog soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Oh Miley, such a great gal and just as wonderful - she gave birth to 11 puppies - YEP 11... WOW and AMAZING! They are either mixed with Standard Poodle or Labrador as none of them look like her - 3 are pure black, 2 are chocolate brown and 6 are cream/tan almost white. That can only mean Standard Poodle - not many pups other than that breed has a mixture of these colours except for Labrador although they usually wouldn't have all three colours!! Only time will tell as to how these gorgeous pups look like when they grow up! We are so excited and happy - certainly starts off the weekend tired but on a good note.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update at the farm

Miley our gorgeous and sucky German Sheppard is probably going to give birth tonight, she is showing all the signs of birthing!!! I am so excited and just can't wait to see her cute puppies. Miley will make a great mom as she is just the sweetest gal. She doesn't want me to leave her side so it will be a very long night for both of us! I've been sitting with her all evening yet she just stood there in front of me licking my face and enjoying her belly rubs, ear rubs and body massages!

We have new arrivals coming in this weekend, see our website later next week for updates, profiles and pictures!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Perennials, Lawnmower & Pond

If you are splitting or getting rid of some perennials - bring them to us and we will certainly make use of them at the farm. We are working on a few gardens to eventually have gorgeous walkabouts for the clients and pooches to enjoy. It only takes 1 plant here and 1 plant there but in a few years will expand and really be an enjoyable place that people will want to visit and enjoy!

We are still looking for someone to work on our old lawnmower and hopefully fix it - not to mow the lawn but at least get it working so we can use it for the parades... although if it does mow, it would be great as the grass is getting taller by the minute without a working mower at the farm!!! If anyone wants to take it and putter around with it to see if they can get it gowing, then we could splash a bit of paint, maybe stencil a dog or two, NARC's name and get it set up with a little trailer for the parades.

We need a few trades men to volunteer their time to fix our bridge over the pond, the bridge itself is very sturdy but the deck on it needs to be replaced. We have the tools, wood & equipment but are so busy with the pooches, medicated baths, medicine time, vet appointments, etc... that we just don't have the time for anything else. It was really pleasant when clients could walk on the bridge and sit there to catch a glimpse of the beaver working, ducks fishing and it would be pleasant to be able to give this back to them. It really was and will be again a really nice spot to just sit and relax with a doggy on your lap! Yup, country in the city and just amazing - really would like to get that back up and running so clients can enjoy and see what I see every day! My family started by planting flowers around the pond to make it look "pretty", now is the time to install the deck on the metal bridge!